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词汇 with each other
例句 People have fought with each other since the dawn of history/time/civilization.人类早在历史/时代/文明之始,就已开始了彼此争斗。Family therapy showed us how to communicate with each other.家庭疗法指导我们彼此之间的沟通交流。They belong with each other.他们是天作之合。Enormous changes are taking place in the way we communicate with each other.我们的沟通方式正出现巨大的变化。The two governments are in phase with each other.两国政府步调一致。I know you think I'm stupid, but we're stuck with each other, aren't we?我知道你认为我愚蠢,但我们俩谁都摆脱不了谁,不是吗?They had no group cohesiveness. They were in competition with each other all the time.他们缺乏团队凝聚力。他们一直都在相互竞争。The two incidents might have something to do with each other, but I can't see the connection.这两件事也许有点关系,但我看不出来。Officials of the CIA depend heavily on electronic mail to communicate with each other.中情局官员之间的联系在很大程度上依赖电子邮件。They often gossip with each other about their neighbors.他们常常彼此说自己邻居的闲话。When it comes to gay sex, fundamentalists and Catholics are more than willing to co-operate with each other.在同性恋问题上,原教旨主义者和天主教徒很乐意相互合作。E-mail enables people to communicate easily and inexpensively with each other on a regular basis.电子邮件方便人们相互之间经常交流,费用也不贵。Our families don't mix with each other.我们家人彼此相处并不融洽。They didn't close with each other until the end of the meeting.他们直到会议结束时才达成协议。This theory helps to explain how animals communicate with each other.这理论有助于解释动物是如何彼此沟通的。They've made terms with each other.他们已相互达成协议。They always seemed a little awkward with each other, a bit stiff and formal.他们在一起似乎总是觉得有点别扭,有点拘谨,不太随意。Two of Rugby League's top teams will lock horns with each other tomorrow.橄榄球联合会的两支一流球队将在明天进行比赛。They were always at feud with each other.他们老是彼此不和。They were soon chatting comfortably with each other.他们很快就轻松地互相交谈了起来。We communicated with each other by letter.我们相互用信件交流。They feel at home with each other.他俩之间熟不拘礼。They communicate with each other by e-mail.他们通过电子邮件相互交流。The two nations have not traded with each other for over 30 years.这两个国家已有三十多年没有贸易往来了。They are very formal in the way they relate with each other.他们之间相处的方式很拘谨。The mothers were able to share their anxieties with each other.母亲们能够相互分担焦虑。People use more than words when they communicate with each other.人们相互交流时不仅仅使用语言。We are all working closely with each other.我们彼此之间都在密切协作。Government departments are in direct competition with each other for limited resources.政府部门互相之间为了有限的资源展开了直接竞争。Schools should not compete with each other or attempt to poach pupils.学校之间不应该相互竞争,也不应该企图挖走彼此的学生。The two tribes were long at feud with each other.这两个部族长期不和。The mobile phone companies compete with each other to win new subscribers.移动电话公司竞相争取新用户。They struggled with each other for a girl.他们为争夺一个女孩扭打成一团。That pair are on very good terms with each other.那一对夫妇关系非常好。They had angry passages with each other during the debate.他们在辩论中恶言相向。Both these ways of looking at the world are valid but utterly irreconcilable with each other.这两种看待世界的方法都合理可取,却全然不能相容。The Communists and the Fascists got into bed with each other to keep the liberals out of power.这两家公司私下里联手制定了一个双赢的方案。Two football players collided with each other on the field.两名橄榄球运动员在球场上相撞。Let's be open with each other for a change.我们换种方式,彼此坦诚相处。We only have a nodding acquaintance with each other. 我们只是泛泛之交。




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