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词汇 ventured
例句 A few people ventured out into the street.有几个人壮着胆子走上了街头。He ventured that plants draw part of their nourishment from the air.他大胆提出植物从空气中吸收部分养分的观点。They ventured far beyond the limits of civilization.他们的冒险远远超出了文明的界限。Roy ventured a tentative smile.罗伊拘谨地笑了笑。No one ventured to speak to him.无人敢跟他讲话。They never ventured from their buildings after sunset.日落后他们从不敢外出。I ventured the idea that the secret of staying young was to mix with older people.我大胆地提出了这样的观点:保持年轻的秘诀就在于和年长的人交往。Few Europeans who had ventured beyond the Himalayas had returned to tell the tale.少数几个冒险翻越了喜马拉雅山的欧洲人回来后讲述了这个故事。She ventured cautiously into the room.她小心翼翼地走进那个房间。They rarely ventured beyond their local town.他们几乎从来不敢去当地集镇以外的地方。I ventured to ask him what he was writing.我小心翼翼地问他在写些什么。They ventured their lives in exploring the desert.他们冒了生命危险去沙漠探险。We ventured down to the south coast over the weekend.周末我们冒险抵达了南海岸。I ventured that the experiment was not conclusive.我冒昧地认为试验的结果并不确定。He ventured a premature opinion at the meeting.他在会上大胆发表了一个不成熟的意见。Stephen ventured a few more sentences in halting Welsh.在阻止韦尔什时,斯蒂芬壮着胆子多说了几句。The next day we ventured farther afield and sailed out to one of the islands.第二天我们大着胆走得更远,航行到那些岛中的一个上去了。Nothing ventured, you dummies, nothing gained.你们这群闷罐子,敢于冒险才有收获。Some of the men ventured farther out to sea.其中有些人冒险向大海的更深处游去。They ventured fearlessly into unknown lands.他们毫不畏惧,冒险进入到未知的土地。He enjoyed little success when he ventured into business.他下海从商后几乎无所建树。The pups never ventured far from home.那几条小狗从来不敢离家太远。He ventured into the depths of the forest.他大胆地走进树林深处。The children ventured out on the thin ice and fell through.孩子们冒险踏上薄冰,结果掉了进去。Few skiers ventured out onto the slopes.很少有滑雪者敢冒险到斜坡上去。He stopped her whenever she ventured to raise the subject.无论何时她大胆提起这个话题,他都把她打断。Those voyagers who first ventured into space certainly showed courage.那些首次尝试进入太空的航天者确实显示出了勇气。He ventured deeper into the forest.他冒险向森林更深处走去。He never ventured far from home.他从未冒险远离自己的家。He ventured large sums of money on speculative stocks.他将大笔的钱拿去做股票投机。We ventured out into the woods.我们硬着头皮走进了树林。He got angry at me when I ventured to suggest that things could have been worse.当我小心翼翼地提到情况可能会更糟糕时,他对我大为光火。He nervously ventured out onto the ice.他提心吊胆地冒险走上了冰面。




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