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词汇 Blood
例句 Blood spattered the seats of the vehicle.鲜血飞溅到车子的座位上。Blood stains are very difficult to shift.血迹很难洗掉。Blood was spattered on the walls and doors.鲜血溅在了墙上和门上。Blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth.血从他的嘴角滴了下来。Blood trickled down to gild his smile.鲜血滴下来染红了他的笑容。Blood was pouring from the cut, drenching his shirt.鲜血从伤口涌出,浸透了他的衬衫。Blood trickled down the side of her face.她脸颊淌着血。Blood from his torn ear was soaking his collar.他被撕裂的耳朵流出的血浸湿了衣领。Blood slowly coagulated round the edges of the cut.血慢慢在伤口周围凝固了。Blood blotched his white Italian slacks.血渍弄脏了他的白色意大利休闲裤。Blood becomes stickier to help coagulation in case of a cut.割伤的时候,血液会变得更为黏稠以助于凝结。Blood pumped out of the cut.血从切口喷出。Blood was oozing from the wound.血从伤口慢慢渗出。Blood still seeped from a small cut on his thigh.他大腿上一处小伤口仍在渗血。Blood from the wound dribbled down the side of his face.伤口里流出的血从他脸的一侧滴落下来。Blood circulates through the body.血液在体内循环。Blood flowed from the wound on her face.血从她脸上的伤口流出来。Blood was still flowing from the wound.伤口还在流血。Blood samples were taken from a group of patients of the same age.血样是从一组年龄相同的病人中抽取的。Blood was pouring from his broken nose.血从他受伤的鼻子里涌出来。Blood was pumping out of his back like a fountain.血像泉水般地从他的背部阵阵涌出。Blood ran from his nose in a steady stream.血不断地从他的鼻子里流出来。Blood had clotted on the cuts on his back and on his arms.他背上和手臂上伤口的血已经凝结。Blood is spotted onto filter paper.血被滴在滤纸上。Blood soaked through the bandage.血渗透了绷带。Blood was shooting from her neck.血从她颈部喷出来。Blood and dirt covered his face.他的脸上满是血迹和灰尘。Blood from the birds' pecks trickled down her face.血从被鸟啄伤的地方顺着她的脸往下流。Blood circulates through the arteries and veins.血液通过动脉和静脉循环。Blood circulates in the body.血液在体内循环。Blood in phlegm can be a sign of lung cancer.痰中带血可能是肺癌的征兆。Blood from his cut lip trickled over his chin.血从他划伤的嘴唇涌出顺着下巴往下流。Blood oozed slowly from the corner of his mouth.鲜血从他的嘴角慢慢渗出。Blood is only expelled from the heart when it contracts.只有心脏收缩时,血液才会从心脏流出。Blood poured from a gash in his forehead.血从他额头的伤口涌出来。Blood dripped down his leg from the cut.血从伤口滴到他的腿上淌下来。Blood is screened for HIV.对血样进行艾滋病病毒检测。Blood feuds added to the local crime rate.家族血仇增加了当地的犯罪率。Blood spattered the dark concrete.鲜血溅落在黑色的水泥地上。Blood spurted from the wound.血从伤口涌出。




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