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词汇 turn out
例句 It all turned out to be a mistake.结果证明是个误会。That play turned out to be a total bomb.那出戏结果彻底失败。It turns out that the estimates were way off base. 结果证明这些估计太离谱了。I'm sure the prime minister will turn out to be a good loser.我确信首相会是个输得起的人。The painting, believed to be by Renoir, turned out to be a very clever forgery.这幅被认为是雷诺阿创作的绘画其实是一幅很巧妙的赝品。Keeping quiet turned out to be a serious error of judgment.保持缄默证明是个严重的判断失误。His feet turn out.他的脚外八字。It turned out that the bone wasn't really broken.结果骨头并没有真的断掉。The film turned out to be a gripping thriller.那部电影原来是部扣人心弦的惊悚片。It turned out to be a lot of tears over nothing.到头来白白流了许多泪。As events turned out, we were right to have decided to leave early.结果证明,我们当初决定早点离开是正确的。The party turned out to be a huge disappointment.聚会办得令人大失所望。His advice turned out to be no use at all.结果证明他的建议一点儿用处都没有。The defendant had supreme and, as it turned out, unjustified confidence in his own judgment.被告绝对相信自己的判断,尽管后来证明是错误的。They were turned out of the hotel…他们被赶出了旅馆。The voters turned out their local representatives.投票选民把他们的当地代表给罢免了。 Your judgment turned out to be spot-on.你的判断被证明完全正确。The diamond turned out to be the real thing.那颗钻石原来是真的。The party turned out to be a quiet affair.结果聚会办得冷冷清清。Her assessment turned out to be remarkably accurate.结果证明她的评估非常准确。The antiques he was selling turned out to be stolen.他出售的那些古董原来是偷来的。His taxi business turned out to be a real gold mine.他的出租车业务成了真正的摇钱树。The meeting turned out to be a bit of a marathon.这场会议有点像马拉松。It turns out I was sitting next to none other than the founder of the magazine.结果我竟然坐在这本杂志的创始人旁边。She turned out to be a wily negotiator.事实证明她是个谈判高手。Her second goal turned out to be the game-winning tally.她的第二个进球成为制胜球。He'll kick and scream when your suggestion turns out to be unhelpful.当你的建议最终没能对他有所帮助时,他会对你大声抱怨的。It turned out that our calculations were incorrect.结果证明我们计算错了。It will turn out a futile attempt.这会是徒劳无益的。The goal of the canvass was to turn out voters on election day.此次拉票活动的目的是让选民在选举日出门投票。May it turn out as I forecasted.但愿事情结果正如我所预料的那样。Don't forget to turn out the lights when you go to bed, okay Annie?你上床的时候别忘了把灯关掉好吗,安妮?Voters turned out in force for the elections.大量选民涌来为选举投票。It turned out that Balzac was bitterly attacking the base conduct of the character that he was exposing in his work.原来巴尔扎克在痛骂作品中一个他正在揭露的人物的卑劣行为。Her chest pains turned out to be caused by a minor heart attack.她胸口疼痛是由轻微心脏病发作引起的。We hope our money is turned out as fast as possible.我们希望我们的资金尽快周转。It turned out that their happy marriage was all an illusion.结果发现他们的幸福婚姻完全是个错觉。There were a few sticky moments during the meeting, but everything turned out all right in the end.会议过程中有几处卡壳,但最后总算是一切顺利。The principal expected everyone to be well turned out on graduation day.校长希望毕业典礼那天每个人都打扮得整洁漂亮。Nobody thought it would ever turn out like this.没人预料到事情会变成这样。




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