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词汇 too soon
例句 We're off on holiday tomorrow, and not a moment too soon.我们明天外出去度假,这一天早就该来了。It's still too soon to say whether the operation was a success.现在说手术是否成功还为时过早。The doctor arrived not a moment too soon. 医生来得很及时。If a medicine is taken again too soon, it may undo all the good that has been done.如果服用一种药物时间间隔过短,可能会抵消所有已产生的药效。Their fragile happiness/unity fractured all too soon.他们的幸福/联合体太脆弱,很快就被摧毁了。I spoke too soon.我话说得太早。The plumber arrived, and not a moment too soon. 水暖工及时赶到了。It is too soon to generalize the study's findings beyond the study group.把研究的结果向研究小组以外推广还为时过早。A budding writer could not emerge from his chrysalis too soon.一位初露头角的作家不可能过快地脱离稚嫩阶段。It is too soon to reach any definitive judgement.要作出最终判断还为时尚早。Maybe I spoke too soon about that Board of Health thing.也许我来谈卫生委员会的事情还言之尚早。If you return to work too soon, you may infect other people.你太早回来工作,可能会传染其他人。English students are forced to learn too much too soon.学习英语的学生被迫在极短的时间内学习太多的东西。The firefighters reached the burning house none too soon. 消防队员刚好及时赶到了着火的房子。If you plant your seedlings out too soon, a late frost might kill them off.如果你播种太早,晚霜可能会把它们冻死。I knew it was too soon for any likely resolution of the problem.我知道现在还早,这个问题不可能有解决办法。All too soon the stilted conversation ran dry.这次谈话本来就有点儿不自然,很快就没什么可说的了。So far, he seems to be handling the job well, but it's really too soon to judge.到目前为止,他的工作看起来还干得不错,但现在下结论还为时过早。It's never too soon to start planning ahead for your retirement.为退休作计划越早越好。It's too soon to write off the whole consultation process as a failure.现在就认定整个磋商过程不成功而想要放弃还为时过早。It's too soon to give a definite answer.时间太短,来不及给出明确的答复。I don't think you should go back to work too soon after having the baby.我觉得你生了孩子不应太快回去上班。I don't want to speak too soon, but I know he is to fail.我并不想言之过早,不过我知道他必然要失败。Help arrived - and not a moment too soon.援助到达了——差点就迟了。It's too soon to tell what will happen.现在就说会发生什么还为时尚早。The ambulance finally arrived, and not a moment too soon.救护车终于到了,但险些误事。Lendl hit the ball way too soon.伦德尔太早击球了。It's too soon to read what will happen.现在预言将发生什么,为时尚早。He went swimming too soon after eating and got cramps.他一吃完就去游泳,因而抽筋了。Don't bother looking for me anytime too soon.别以为我很快就会到。It's too soon to talk about stopping.现在说停止还为时过早。You can't get married next week! That's far too soon.你不能下周就结婚!那也太快了。The center hiked the ball too soon, and the quarterback fumbled.中锋后传球太快了,四分卫没接住。I'd like a friendship that might lead to something deeper, but I wouldn't want to commit myself too soon.我希望拥有一份能进一步发展的友谊,但又不想太快作出承诺。The show was over all too soon.演出结束得早了点。Paramedics rushed him to hospital, and not a moment too soon.护理人员急忙把他送进医院,但为时已晚。He won't be home for hours yet ... Oh, I spoke too soon - here he is now!他一时半会儿还不会到家……哦,我这话说得太早了——他回来了!The author resolves the tension too soon.作者过早结束了紧张氛围。The ambulance finally arrived, not a moment too soon.救护车终于来了,差点儿就来不及。The company is not doing well, but it's too soon to write an/its obituary. 这家公司目前不景气,但是说它会倒闭还为时过早。




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