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词汇 toil
例句 A lion was caught in the toil.狮子落入了陷阱。He succeeded after years of toil.他经历数年的辛劳之后成功了。His back is bent from years of toil.多年的劳累压弯了他的背。Well, after a day's toil in the office I like to relax a little.好啦,在办公室劳累了一天后我想歇一会儿。It took a lot of sweat and toil to build the house.盖这房子付出了很多汗水和辛劳。That book is a toil to read.那本书读起来真费劲。Here began their arduous toil to force a living from the land.他们在这里开始了艰苦劳作,努力在这块土地上谋生。His thick, swollen fingers bore testimony to a lifetime of toil.他粗壮肿胀的手指是一生劳作的见证。He has been indurated to want and toil.他已习惯于贫困和辛劳。That unpaid toil must be my lot and portion, without even the hope or expectation of anything better.我一定是命中注定要做那份无偿的苦工,我对境遇的改善甚至不抱有任何希望或期盼。I shall have to toil and moil all my days.我终生将不得不累死累活地干。The wealth of industrial society could only come from the toil of the masses.工业社会的财富只能来自大众的辛勤劳动。Day after day they toil in blistering heat.日复一日,他们在酷热中辛苦劳作。Automation is beginning to release workers from the bondage of mindless, repetitive toil.自动化正开始把工人从机械简单又刻板重复的苦役中解放出来。The daily toil had outworn him.每天的苦活把他累垮了。His frame soon sank under the effects of toil.由于劳累,他的身体很快消瘦脱形。Farm labourers have to toil in the fields all day.农场工人不得不整天在田地里辛勤劳动。




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