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词汇 to accommodate
例句 The pistol grip was made larger to accommodate his unusually big hand.手枪的枪柄做得较大,以适合他那特大的手。They were kind enough to accommodate me with a ride to the train station.他们好心地让我搭便车去了火车站。Your investment strategy has to be flexible enough to accommodate changes in the market.你的投资策略得足够灵活,能够应对市场变化。He has never put an arm around his wife to accommodate photographers.他从未为了迎合摄影师而搂住妻子。The ceilings were too low to accommodate his terrific height.天花板太低了,容不下个头极高的他。Once you have been accepted at the university they promise to accommodate you in a dormitory.一经录取,校方就会承诺向你提供宿舍。You will have to accommodate yourself to the changed situation.你必须适应变化了的形势。He bought a huge house to accommodate his library.他买了一座大房子来放他的藏书。She tried to accommodate her way of life to his.她试图使自己的生活方式与他的生活方式相适应。He would often change his schedule to accommodate his clients.他会经常调整时间安排来满足客户的需求。Some find it hard to accommodate themselves to the new working conditions.有些人觉得很难适应新的工作环境。We hope you will be able to accommodate him at your hotel.我们希望你能在你的旅馆里为他提供膳宿方便。The desk is large enough to accommodate a monitor or PC tower.这张桌子足以放下一台显示器或者一台个人计算机机箱。The new policies fail to accommodate the disabled.新政策没有照顾到残疾人的利益。The school have bent over backwards to accommodate Jan's mobility difficulties.学校想方设法顾及简的行动不便。The meals are designed to accommodate all tastes.饭菜被设计成能迎合不同的口味。The school in Poldown was not big enough to accommodate all the children.波尔登的学校不够大,容不下所有的孩子。We've made every effort to accommodate your point of view.我们已经尽力迎合你的观点。The roads are built to accommodate gradual temperature changes.修建这些道路时考虑到了温度的逐渐变化。The island was used to accommodate child refugees.该岛用于收容儿童难民。The President seemed willing to accommodate himself to Senate desires.总统似乎愿意按参院意图行事。Will this room be big enough to accommodate the overflow?这个房间容纳得了多出的那些人吗?She walked slowly to accommodate herself to his pace.她走得很慢,以便与他保持一致的步伐。New facilities are being added to accommodate the special needs of elderly residents.正在添加新的设施以满足老年居民的特殊需求。He's already altered several of the proposals in his economic plan to accommodate demands of special interests.他已经改动了经济计划中的几项提议以迁就特殊利益集团的要求。It was very kind of you to accommodate us withthe tickets of our journey.你给我们提供旅行票,真是太好了。The way that American history is taught may change in order to accommodate some more of those cultures.美国历史的授课方式可能会为了照顾到更多的文化而作改变。There wasn't enough space to accommodate the files.没有足够的空间存放这些档案。We'll have to change the configuration of the system to accommodate the new server.我们必须更换系统配置以便匹配新的服务器。Her eyes took a while to accommodate to the darkness.她的眼睛过了一会儿才适应黑暗。Liberal policy was sufficiently elastic to accommodate both views.自由党政策有相当的灵活性,能够适应双方的观点。Leeds Prison is reported to have almost double the number of prisoners it's designed to accommodate.据报道利兹监狱里犯人的数量几乎已达该监狱设计可容纳人数的两倍了。




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