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例句 It took months before the findings began to filter through to the politicians.调查结果好几个月后才传入政治家们的耳中。Smith tried to get through to Frank at Warm Springs the next morning.第二天早上,史密斯试图打电话给在沃姆斯普林斯的弗兰克。Our conversation carried through to dessert.我们的交谈一直持续到餐后甜点。The team needs a result to go through to the semifinals.这支球队必须要赢得一场比赛才能打进半决赛。The operator put me through to him.接线员帮我接通了他的电话。She's got through to an interview for her dream job.她进入了她梦寐以求的工作的面试。I went through to the kitchen to see who was there.我走到厨房去看看谁在那儿。Winners of the regional heats go through to the national finals.地区预赛的胜者进入全国决赛。Read the article once through to get the gist of it.把文章通读一遍以抓住要点。After the first victory, our army followed through to win every battle.我军初战胜利后再接再厉,打赢了以后的每一仗。We must fight this battle through to victory.我们必须把这次战斗打到最后胜利。I asked the operator to put me through to her office.我让接线员把我的电话接到她的办公室。We got through to the semis.我们进入了半决赛。She got through to the final round of interviews.她进入了最后一轮的面试。Colombia's win sent them through to the knockout stage of the tournament.哥伦比亚队的胜利把他们送进了锦标赛的淘汰赛阶段。The news finally get through to us.消息最终传到了我们这里。This feeds the paper through to the printer.这个可以把纸导入打印机。Gutierrez said he has a plan he hopes will carry him through to his first world championship.古铁雷斯说他有个计划,希望能帮自己获得首个世界冠军称号。He led me through to a bare, draughty interviewing room.他把我带到了一间空荡荡的、有过堂风的会见室。We have followed your instructions through to the last detail.我们已经不折不扣地执行了你的指示。I ripped out the telephone wire that ran through to his office.我把通到他办公室的电话线扯掉了。Murray has gone through to the next round.默里进入了下一轮。We have a service which will route the call through to your extension.我们提供将电话选路到您分机的服务。We can't get it through to him that using drugs is bad for his health.我们没法使他明白吸毒对他健康的危害。The food got through to the fort despite the enemy's attempt to stop it.尽管敌军企图封锁,但粮食还是运到了要塞。Ask the receptionist to put your call through to my room.让接待员把你的电话接到我房间。I hope I've finally gotten my message through to him.我希望我最终把我的意思向他表达清楚了。We carried the picture carefully through to the main exhibition, circumnavigating several obstacles en route.我们一路绕过了好几个障碍,小心翼翼地把这幅画运送到主展览会。I intend to see the job through to the finish.我想把这个活儿干完。He got through to the grand final of the competition.他进入了总决赛。If it happens that I'm wanted badly somewhere, my mother will take the call and phone through to me here.如果凑巧有人着急找我,我母亲会接电话,然后再打电话到这里转告我。His secretary rang through to his home.他秘书把电话打到了他家。It's difficult to get through to students who don't want to learn.要不愿学习的学生听懂是困难的。He's through to the men's tennis final for the first time.他第一次打进了男子网球决赛。The package was shipped through to New Orleans.包裹被直接运到了新奥尔良。Williams's straight-sets win puts her through to the semi-final.威廉姆斯不失一盘而取胜,进入了半决赛。Rescuers are having trouble getting through to the flood victims.救援人员很难接近被洪水围困的人员。He guided a scratch team through to the FA Cup Final.他带领一支临时拼凑的球队打进了足总杯决赛。You can check your baggage right through to its final destination.你可以把行李直接托运到终点。If she's not in,can you put me through to her secretary?如果她不在,请把电话接到她秘书那里好吗?




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