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词汇 exaggerated
例句 The allegations were highly exaggerated.这些断言大为言过其实。The stories are basically true, if a little exaggerated.这些故事基本属实,尽管有一点儿夸张。This is to say nothing of estimations of our altruistic behavior— also exaggerated.这就是说,对于我们的利他行为的估计没有什么夸大之处。The numbers killed in the massacre are probably exaggerated.那次大屠杀的死亡人数可能被夸大了。Truth, if exaggerated, may become falsehood.真理如加以夸张,可能成为谬误。He spoke with an exaggerated New York accent.他用夸张的纽约口音说话。His statement is both inaccurate and exaggerated.他的说法不准确且言过其实。Western fears, he insists, are greatly exaggerated.他坚持说,西方的恐惧被过分夸大了。He warned against exaggerated expectations for growth.他提醒人们不要对增长有过高的预期。The newspaper accounts are exaggerated.这新闻报道的内容是言过其实的。He exaggerated the importance of his role in the rescue mission.他夸大了他在此次救援任务中的重要性。Critics say that the report's figures are greatly exaggerated.批评人士说,报告中的数字被严重夸大了。Reports of his drinking have been wildly exaggerated.有关他酗酒的报道极尽夸张。Racial tensions in Fiji were exaggerated for political ends by leaders of the opposition.反对派领导人出于政治目的夸大了斐济岛上的种族紧张局势。The danger had been greatly exaggerated.危险被过分夸大了。It may give these people an exaggerated sense of their own importance.这可能会让这些人自我感觉过于良好。White-male fears of reverse discrimination have been widely exaggerated.白人男性对逆向歧视的担心程度被过分夸大了。He exaggerated his movements so we could see them more clearly.他加大了动作幅度,好让我们能够看得更清楚。He claims that alarmists have exaggerated the economy's problems.他声称那些危言耸听的人夸大了经济中存在的问题。They should be sceptical of exaggerated claims for what such courses can achieve.对于这些课程能够有何种成效的夸张宣传,他们应该持怀疑态度。The book is both inaccurate and exaggerated.这本书不但不准确,而且夸大其词。He so exaggerated as never to be believed.他夸张得无法置信。His story was exaggerated out of proportion.他的故事夸张得离谱了。They were made welcome with the usual pantomime of exaggerated smiles and gestures.他们受到了一如往常的欢迎,夸张的笑容和姿态如同一场闹剧。He exaggerated the importance of the event.他夸大了这事件的重要性。The minister suggested that the dire prophecies of certain leading environmentalists were somewhat exaggerated.部长暗示说某些很有影响的环境保护者所作的可怕预言一定程度上有些夸张。She walked like a model, with an exaggerated swing of the hips.她走路像个模特,屁股夸张地一扭一扭。The image of the fox as a pest is grossly exaggerated in anecdote and folklore.狐狸的害人精形象在传闻和民间故事中遭到严重的夸大。Holmes says that the rivalry between the two companies has been exaggerated.霍姆斯说,那两家公司之间的竞争被夸大了。Michael shook his hand with exaggerated heartiness.迈克尔过于热情地跟他握手。The problem has been exaggerated out of all proportion.问题被过分夸大了。These figures have been greatly exaggerated.这些数字已被极度夸大了。He has a very/greatly exaggerated idea of his own importance.他总是自视过高。His story was so exaggerated that I thought he was full of it.他的描述太夸张了,我认为他是瞎说的。The girl tossed her hair and walked away, swaying her hips in an exaggerated fashion.女孩一甩头发,走开了,一边走一边夸张地扭着屁股。Their brassy, exaggerated laughter still rang in his ears.他们刺耳夸张的笑声依然在他耳边回响。




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