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He was exalted to the position of president.他被提升当了总裁。He was exalted to the position of general manager.他被提升为总经理。She is the first woman to reach such exalted heights in the judiciary.她是第一位在司法界谋得如此高位的女性。I looked upon her characteristics as indicative of an exalted spirituality.我认为她的性格特点体现了她内心的高尚。I felt shy in such exalted company.我与如此显贵的人在一起,觉得不好意思。I don't move in such exalted circles.我不在这种上流圈子中活动。They were already exalted by the ceremony.典礼已经让他们无比兴奋了。They were exalted by the news of the victory.他们因听到胜利的消息而兴高采烈。Tom sulked in a corner and exalted his woes.汤姆缩在角落里生气,更增添了自己的苦恼。She rose to an exalted position in the company.她在那家公司里已升至显赫的职位。I met a person of exalted position.我遇上一个地位很高的人。He was overawed to find himself in such exalted company.他发现原来自己的公司如此声名显赫,吓了一跳。You must decide how to make the best use of your exalted position.你必须弄清楚如何充分利用自己显要的地位。I spread my arms wide and felt joyous and exalted and free.我张开双臂,感到快乐、兴奋和自由。This exalted him to third place in the jockeys' table.这使他升至赛马骑师排位表的第三位。In My name shall his horn be exalted.因我的名,他的角必被高举。His behavior has exalted the power and prestige of his office.他的表现提升了他的部门的权力和声望。The retiring professor was exalted by his colleagues.这位即将退休的教授受到了同事们的赞扬。He has a very exalted, romantic view of love.他对爱情的看法过于理想化和浪漫。Until I reached this exalted status, I would remain a junior doctor.在升到这个高级职位之前,我一直是个初级医生。She used her exalted position to further the causes of charity.她利用自己的显要地位来推进慈善事业。He had an exalted opinion of his own work.他对自己的工作给予了极高的评价。I was not high up enough in the intelligentsia to be invited to such exalted meetings.我在知识界的地位还不够,不足以受邀参加这么高规格的会议。You do get very excited and exalted by the power of their speeches.他们的演讲的确能让人无比兴奋和激动。She rose to the exalted post of Foreign Secretary.她升到了外交部长这一显要位置。She found him an exalted sinecure as a Fellow of the Library of Congress.她给他找了一个级别很高的闲职:国会图书馆研究员。 |