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词汇 examinations
例句 She nursed her brother through his university examinations.她悉心帮助弟弟,使他通过了大学的各门考试。He has just completed his final examinations at São Paulo University.他刚刚在圣保罗大学参加完期终考试。We did examinations on the bodies.我们对这些尸体进行了检查。The boy has made a practice of cheating at examinations.那男孩经常考试时作弊。He coaches people for TOEFL examinations.他指导人准备托福考试。Some young people are completely struck down by the stress of examinations.有些青年男女被考试的压力完全压垮。In the examinations we shall come down hard on any student who attempts to cheat.考试期间,我们将严厉惩罚任何企图作弊的学生。Before the examinations we have a review of the term's work.考试之前,我们复习一学期的功课。She will take her examinations later this year.她今年晚些时候将参加考试。In some examinations the oral follows a written paper.有些考试先考笔试后考口试。These examinations are taken after five years of secondary education.这些考试在经过五年中等教育后举行。You have to pass the examinations to get into university.你得通过考试才能进入大学。Susan was completely weighed down by the stress of examinations.苏珊被考试的压力压垮了。In exceptional circumstances students may take examinations at Head Office.在特殊情况下学生可以到主任办公室参加考试。Prior to the study all test subjects were given physical examinations.研究开始之前,所有实验对象都接受了体检。You have worked hard all year, and should be able to make light work of passing the examinations.你一年到头刻苦用功,一定能轻而易举地通过这次考试。Are there any examinations at the end of term?学期结束时有考试吗? She did moderately well in her final examinations.她期终考试还算好。The balance continues to swing away from final examinations to continuous assessment.期末考试渐渐被连续性评估所取代。University teachers have refused to supervise students' examinations.大学教师拒绝监考。You won't pass your examinations unless you study hard.如果不用功,那你就通不过考试。The examinations are divided up into several parts.考试分成几部分。The examinations are near at hand.不久就要考试了。He broke with the tradition of setting examinations in Latin.他打破了用拉丁语出试卷的传统。She performed outstandingly well in her examinations.她在考试中表现得非常出色。One of the teacher's principal duties is to prepare students for external examinations.教师的主要职责之一是帮助学生准备参加校外考试。You cannot be too careful in examinations.考试时越仔细越好。Did you get through your examinations?你考试通过了吗? All the examinations were as easy as pie.所有的考试都很容易。Time is your most valuable resource, especially in examinations.时间是最宝贵的资源,特别是在考试的时候。We are in the thick of examinations.我们正处在考试最紧张的时刻。There must be no noise in the school while examinations are in progress.学校里举行考试的时候,绝对不能有噪音。The use of calculators during examinations is now permissible.现在考试期间准许使用计算器。The examinations are set by individual teachers.考试都是由教师独自出题。They are in the thick of examinations.他们正处在考试最紧张的阶段。Eric was sent down for cheating in examinations.埃里克因考试舞弊而被开除。Most GPs perform pelvic examinations as part of a well woman check.大多数全科医生把骨盆检查作为女性保健的一部分。Mary is terribly on edge now that her examinations are approaching.考期越来越近了,玛丽非常紧张不安。There was a rumour that anyone not attending the demonstration would not be allowed to sit his final examinations.传言说谁不参与示威游行就别想参加期末考试。The terminal examinations will be held in early May.期终考试将在五月初举行。




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