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词汇 exam
例句 Parents shouldn't set too high a value on good exam results.父母不应该把考试成绩看得太重。The exam questions were too difficult.这些考题太难了。Eddie's brilliance brought him top marks in the Harvard entrance exam.埃迪出众的智力使他在哈佛大学的入学考试中名列榜首。Please bring pens, pencils, rulers etc to the exam.考试时请带好钢笔、铅笔、尺等。She did well in the exam.她考试考得不错。Seen from the student's viewpoint, the exam can be frightening.从学生的角度来看,考试可能有点儿恐怖。My thoughts wandered from the exam questions to my interview the next day.我的心思从试题转到了第二天的面试上。The doctor will then perform a physical exam on the child.接下来医生会给孩子进行体检。He confessed to cheating on the exam.他承认考试作弊。She was cramming for her Economics exam.她正在为应付经济学考试临阵磨枪。The exam was difficult, no two ways about it.考试很难,这是千真万确的。Before starting to write an answer in an exam, prepare yourself by thinking about what you want to say.考试时开始写答案前,先想好要说些什么。Do you want to have a look at his exam paper? It's a fairly poor effort.你想看看他的试卷吗?成绩可是不太好。I was poleaxed when I heard I'd passed the exam.我听到自己通过考试的消息时简直惊呆了。She came in smiling, flourishing her exam results.她微笑着走进来,手里挥舞着她的考试成绩单。Julie offered up a silent prayer that she would pass her exam.朱莉默默地祈祷,希望能通过这次考试。I managed to scrape through the exam.我勉强通过了考试。She was on edge before her exam. = Her nerves were on edge before her exam.她考试前感到紧张。She's revising for her history exam.她正在温习,准备历史考试。The teacher punished her students for cheating in the exam.老师处罚学生考试作弊。Marie failed the exam, but it was her own fault - she didn't do any work.玛丽未通过考试,但那是她自己不好—她什么功课也不做。You're not allowed to use a dictionary in this exam. The rules are quite clear on this point.这次考试不允许使用词典。在这一点上规定很明确。The exam was a pushover.这次考试很容易过关。In the exam she rose to the occasion and wrote a brilliant essay.在考试中,她临场发挥写出了一篇非常出色的文章。The exam was a piece of cake.这个考试是小菜一碟。Anyone caught cheating will be immediately disqualified from the exam.任何人如被发现作弊将被立即取消考试资格。The exam system is patterned after the one used in Japan.这种考试制度仿效的是日本。He was caught cribbing in an exam.他考试中作弊被抓。Assessment is by means of a written exam at the end of the course.考核方法是在课程结束时进行笔试。He's upstairs, revising for an exam.他在楼上温习功课迎考。She didn't do justice to herself in the exam.她考试没发挥出自己的水平。Last year's exam results were fairly poor.去年的考试成绩相当差。I always get butterflies before an exam.考试前我总是很紧张。If you get under 50 percent, you fail the exam.如果考分低于总分的一半,你就没有及格。The education minister's criticism of the new exam system seems rich, considering it was he who demanded the changes in the first place.教育部长对新考试制度的批评似乎有点荒唐可笑,因为当时正是他要求作出这些改革的。I got a distinction in my piano exam.我在钢琴考试中获得了优秀。The thought of taking the exam again depressed him.想到要补考,他心情沮丧。I had an eye exam.我接受了一次眼部检查。I really made a muck of the exam.我考试考得一塌糊涂。Success or failure pivoted on a single exam.胜败取决于一次考试。




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