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词汇 examination
例句 Each of the proposals deserves careful examination.每一项建议都值得仔细斟酌。They were preparing children to sit for the entry examination.他们正在帮助孩子们准备入学考试。He failed in the examination and was thus stripped of his borrowed plumes.他考试失败,这样就把他僭据别人成绩的面目暴露无遗了。He knew my examination was pending.他知道我的考试就要来临。The courses do not follow the syllabus of any particular examination board.这些课程安排不遵循任何特定考试委员会的大纲。Students are not allowed to talk during the examination.考试时学生不许讲话。They tied for first place in the examination.他们在考试中并列第一。 He repeatedly fails to pass the examination.他多次考试不及格。Your midwife will give you a routine examination.助产士会给你做一个常规检查。He flunked chemistry examination.他化学考试不及格。He was late for the examination and scuppered his chances of winning the scholarship.他没赶上考试,丧失了获得奖学金的机会。My brother was all keyed up when he thought of the examination.我的兄弟一想到考试就非常紧张。He'd heard somewhere that the questions in economics examination papers stayed the same from year to year.他从某处听说经济学考试的考题年年都一样。He dipped out on the examination.他错过了考试。You failed your examination? Hard luck!你考试不及格? 真倒霉!The doctor was very thorough in his examination of the sick child.医生对生病的孩子进行了仔细的检查。On physical examination, the baby is comfortable but has dusky lips.体检时,这名婴儿状态良好,只是嘴唇有些发紫。She made a quick and superficial examination of the car.她迅速地粗略检查了一下这部轿车。After a brief examination by a local doctor, I was taken to the city's main hospital.由当地医生做了大致的检查之后,我被送进了市里的大医院。On closer examination, it appeared that something was missing.经进一步的仔细检查,才发现遗漏了一些东西。Under cross-examination, the psychiatrist admitted that he could not be sure of his diagnosis.经反复盘问,这位精神科医生承认,他对自己的诊断没有把握。The doctor gave him a careful examination.医生为他做了细致的检查。The prisoner broke under cross-examination.在反复盘问之下囚犯终于垮了。Authorities still have not released findings from their examination of the dead sheep.有关方面还没有公布他们对死羊的检查结果。To the teacher's great delight, all his students passed the examination.使教师大为高兴的是,他的学生全部考试及格。The prisoner is still under examination.囚犯尚在受审之中。The examination system has long been a serious bone of contention in this country.考试制度长期以来都是这个国家争议很大的话题。We should not judge education solely on examination results.我们不应该单靠考试成绩来评判教育水平。He does not care a hoot whether he passes his examination or not.他一点也不在乎考试是否及格。A detailed examination of population statistics reveals a steady decline in the birth rate.对人口统计数据所作的详细研究显示,出生率在稳步下降。The real thrust of the film is its examination of New York's Hasidic community.这部电影的真正要旨是它审视了纽约的哈西德教徒。For the next week I shall be up to the eyes in marking examination papers.下星期我将忙于批阅考卷。The aim of the examination is to test your writing skills.该考试的目的是要考查你们的写作能力。She was ashamed of having failed in the examination.她因考试不及格而感到羞愧。The committee's latest proposals are still under examination.委员会最新的建议仍在审查之中。These proposals will need detailed examination before a decision can be reached.在作出决定前,这些提议尚需仔细审查。The difficulties of the examination did not stagger him.考试的难度并没有使他畏缩。All patients had a complete physical examination.所有患者都要作全面的体检。He spent one year boning up for the university entrance examination.他花了一年准备大学联考。The teacher gave us an examination in history.教师对我们进行了历史考试。




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