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词汇 terrified
例句 That first night I emceed I was absolutely terrified.第一次担任主持的那个晚上,我吓得完全乱了阵脚。The thunderstorm terrified the child.雷雨把那个小孩吓坏了。The electric atmosphere both terrified and thrilled him.极度紧张的气氛让他既害怕又兴奋。I was terrified that my father would find out I had lied to him.我极害怕父亲会发现我对他撒了谎。He held back, terrified of going into the dark room.他退缩了,不敢进入黑暗的房间。I felt too terrified to even cry out for help.我害怕得连呼救声都喊不出来。When my name was finally called I was terrified.当我的名字终于被叫到时,我怕得要死。A dark formless danger terrified her.一种无形的危险使她恐惧。She's been terrified of the sound of aircraft ever since the crash.自从那次飞机失事后,她就一直害怕听到飞机声。The girl was terrified out of her wits.那女孩吓得魂不附体。Occasionally, terrified faces peer out from behind a curtain.受惊的面孔偶尔会从帘子后面向外窥视。He was terrified to the last degree.他惊吓到了极点。The small girl was terrified at that big black cat.小女孩被那只大黑猫吓了一跳。John is compulsively neat and clean, he's terrified of germs.约翰有洁癖,他很害怕细菌。These kids seem so aggressive, but inside they're terrified.这些孩子外表看起来气势汹汹,但是他们内心害怕极了。I was so terrified, I couldn't speak.我害怕得说不出话来。Many people won't complain about pay and conditions because they're terrified of losing their jobs.许多人不会抱怨报酬和工作条件,因为他们害怕失业。My parents were always terrified of getting into debt.我父母一直害怕会背上债务。She was absolutely terrified at the thought of jumping off the bridge.她一想到从桥上跳下去就感到非常恐惧。He was terrified at the thought of being stranded in the woods.一想到被困在树林里,他就感到恐惧。Far from being terrified by the paranormal, I find myself midly amused.我非但远未被这不可思议的事情吓坏,相反还略微觉得有趣。I'm terrified to think about the fact that my mother will die someday.一想到母亲有一天会去世,我就非常恐惧。The thought of losing his job has him terrified.一想到会失去工作,他便惊恐万分。He was terrified of getting her pregnant.他害怕把她肚子搞大。I didn't tell my parents I was pregnant. I was terrified that they would throw me out of the house.我没把自己怀孕的事告诉父母,我害怕他们会把我赶出家门。She was terrified that Trevor would come after her.她很害怕特雷弗会来找她算账。The thought of dying slowly and painfully terrified me.想到要缓慢而痛苦地死去,我恐惧不已。She was terrified of flying. The relative advantages of air travel didn't tempt her at all.她害怕飞行,坐飞机旅行的相对优点根本就吸引不了她。The very idea/thought of making a speech terrified him. 一想到要做演讲他就吓坏了。With a terrified whinny the horse shied.那匹马惊了,发出一声可怕的嘶叫。My sister was too terrified to cry.我的妹妹吓得欲哭不能。He was terrified of going to hell when he died.他非常害怕死后会下地狱。Clearly terrified, he let out a strangulated whimper.他显然被吓着了,发出哽塞的呜咽声。The prospect of marriage terrified Alice.想到要结婚,艾丽斯就感到害怕。Ben sat up quickly, his face taut and terrified.本一骨碌坐了起来,表情紧张而惊恐。She was terrified that she was going to die alone. = She was terrified of dying alone.她对将要孤独终老感到十分恐惧。The men were trying to harass the terrified refugees.这些人企图骚扰那些吓坏了的难民。At first I was terrified of being laughed at.起初我很害怕被取笑。I was/felt terrified and just wanted to go home.我十分恐惧,只想要回家。We all stopped dead, terrified.我们一下子全都停了下来,吓坏了。




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