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词汇 taken up
例句 He was told that all available accommodation had been taken up.他被告知房间都客满了。His business lunches were taken up with networking.他的交际午餐被用来建立与客户的交流。One of our greatest athletes has taken up a new challenge.我们其中有一名最优秀的运动员已经接受了新的挑战。I'm sorry I've already taken up so much of your valuable time.对不起,我占了你这么多宝贵时间。A good deal of my time is taken up with reading critical essays and reviews.我的大部分时间都用在阅读评论文章上了。Teachers complain that more of their time is taken up with administration than with teaching.教师们抱怨他们花在行政工作上的时间超过了教学的时间。In fact, the bulk of the book is taken up with criticizing other works.事实上,这本书大部分篇幅都是在批评其他作品。I have taken up gardening again.我又开始干起了园艺活。He is completely taken up with his work.他的全副精力都放在工作上了。Every inch of space was taken up with bookshelves.整个空间都被书架占满了。Spring and summer are taken up by the reaping of hay and the threshing of corn.春天和夏天的时间全都在收割干草和给谷物脱粒。George has taken up with Lucy lately.近来乔治和露西好上了。She's taken up hang-gliding.她已开始喜欢上悬挂滑翔了。It is noteworthy that no university has taken up the challenge.值得注意的是,还没有任何一所大学接受挑战。The union has taken up the case of the suspended worker.工会已受理那位被停职的工人的个案。Their work was taken up with boring and blasting rock with gelignite.他们的工作是用葛里炸药炸石头,非常枯燥。She has taken up the liberal cause.她已经开始投入自由主义事业。His driving licence was taken up by the policeman.他的驾驶执照叫警察给收了。He's taken up the position of supervisor.他已经开始担任监督员一职。He has taken up with some dubious characters.他和一些不三不四的人混在一起。New industries have taken up much of Japan's farmland.在日本,新兴工业占用了许多农田。A police team, forewarned of the raid, had taken up positions inside the bank.一支警队预先得到警告,知道有人抢劫,已在银行内布置妥当。She has taken up a key position in our head office.她已在我们总部占据了一个关键职位。The cause of global warming has been taken up by many celebrities recently.最近全球变暖的原因已经引起了许多名人的关注。The ground floor of the museum is taken up by the skeleton of a dinosaur.博物馆的底层为一具恐龙的骨骼占据了。All available tickets were taken up.所有的票都被买光了。He was taken up for drunkenness.他因酗酒而被拘留。She has taken up the legs of the trousers.她已经把裤腿改短。Relatives have taken up the cudgels for two British women accused of murder.亲属们极力为两名被控谋杀的英国女子辩护。His mind was wholly taken up with his work.他的心思完全放在工作上。The rest of the meeting was taken up by routine matters.会议剩下的内容就全是一些例行程序了。The other exit was taken up with two bicycles.另一个出口被两辆自行车堵住了。The young man is so lucky that he is taken up by a famous novelist.这个年轻人很走运,他得到了一位著名小说家的指教。The wounded soldier was taken up and carried away.伤兵被抬起送走了。Birds have taken up residence in the barn.鸟把巢安在了谷仓里。It has been taken up an inch.已经将它收短了一英寸。The entire day was taken up by/with meetings.整整一天都被开会占去了。A great bulk of her time is taken up with answering the phone.她的很大一部分时间用于接电话。The melody is next taken up by the flutes.这主调接著由横笛合奏。His mind was wholly taken up with the question.他满脑子都在想这个问题。




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