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beard the lion in his den bearer bearers bear examination bear fruit
bear hard on bear hug bear-hunting bearing bearing down
bearing false witness bearing in mind bearings bear in mind bear in mind that
bear investigation bearish bear leader bear-led bear-market
bear no relation to bear off bear on be around bear out
bear responsibility for Bears bears bear scrutiny Beart
bear testimony bear testimony to bear the blame bear the brunt of bear the cost
bear the palm bear the responsibility bear the stamp of bear to bear trap
bear up bear up under bear up under affliction bear watching bear with
bear witness bear witness to be ashamed of be asked to do be assigned to
Beast beast beastie beasties beastly
beasts Beat beat be at beat a bargain
beatable beat about beat about the bush beat a dead horse beat against
beat all be at a loss beat anything beat a path beat a path to
be at a premium beat a retreat beat around the bush beat back beat down
beaten beaten-down beaten gold beaten track beaten-up
beater beaters beat everything be at home beatific
beatification beatified beat in beating beatings
beatings-up beating up beat it beat it out Beatle
Beatles beatnik be at odds with beat off Beaton
beat on be at one beat out beat over beats
Beatson be attached to beat the band beat the clock beat the drum
beat the drum for beat the Dutch be at the front beat the hell out of beat the pants off
beat the rap Beattie beat time beat-up beat up
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