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词汇 beatings
例句 The team secured pictures of prisoners showing signs of severe beatings.团队获得了囚犯露出受严酷拷打后所致伤痕的照片。The torture involved repeated beatings and electric shock treatment.酷刑包括反复拷打和电击虐待。By this time she was so cowed by the beatings that she meekly obeyed.到这时候她已经被打怕了,只好乖乖听话。With threats, beatings, and even murder, the workers were terrorized into leaving their unions.工人们遭到了威胁、殴打,甚至是谋杀,被迫退出工会。She stood there, taking the beatings of the whip.她站着一下一下挨鞭打。Prisoners are subjected to humiliating treatment and frequent beatings.囚犯们受到羞辱,并常常遭到殴打。The hours of interrogations and beatings were designed to break his spirit.连续几个小时的盘问和痛打是为了摧毁他的意志。There had been no violence, no beatings-up until then.之前都没有暴力和人身攻击,直到那个时候。




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