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词汇 beaten
例句 The university was beaten by an innings.校队以一局之差败北。We were soundly beaten/defeated in yesterday's game.昨天的比赛我们被打得落花流水。England's World Cup adventure ended in heroic failure last night when they were beaten on penalties by Argentina.在昨晚的点球大战中被阿根廷队击败后,英格兰队的世界杯之旅虽败犹荣,画上了句点。The woman was accused of having beaten her four-year-old daughter.这名女子被控殴打她四岁的女儿。Stephens had beaten him embarrassingly easily.斯蒂芬斯轻松击败了他,让他颜面尽失。He had been badly beaten and left for dead.他受到毒打并被撇下不管。She was beaten and dragged about.她挨了打,还被拖来拽去的。He was beaten up by a gang of young thugs.他遭到一群年轻恶棍的痛打。The prisoners were so cruelly beaten that some even died in captivity.囚犯们遭到了毒打,有的甚至死在牢狱之中。Carl got beaten up outside a nightclub on Saturday night.星期六晚上,卡尔在一家夜总会外面被人狠揍了一顿。He'd been beaten black and blue by a gang of thugs.他被一帮恶棍打得身上青一块紫一块的。Before Gallacher could catch up with the ball, Nadlovu had beaten him to it.加拉赫还没来得及追上球,纳德洛武就已经抢先一步触到球了。I surely got beaten when I bought rice from a monger.我从商贩子那里买的米,肯定被克扣了分量。Anyone who disobeyed him ran the risk of getting beaten up in a dark alley, or even killed.谁敢不听命于他,就有在黑暗的小巷里被痛揍一顿甚至被杀死的危险。The show was beaten in the ratings by its old rival.这个节目的收视率被其老对手超过。He was kidnapped by vigilantes in El Centro, beaten and robbed, and then set on fire.他在埃尔森特罗被治安维持会成员绑架,遭到殴打和抢劫后被放火烧死。Her sandals were old and somewhat beaten-up, but very comfortable.她的凉鞋又旧又破,但是非常舒适。The governor of the prison is investigating allegations that a prisoner was attacked and beaten by a prison warden.典狱长正在调查一位监狱看守攻击和殴打一名犯人的指控。It was no dishonour to be beaten by such a strong opponent.败给如此强劲的对手没有什么可羞愧的。It was clear that she had been badly beaten by her husband.她显然遭到了丈夫的痛打。He told us that he had been beaten up by the police.他告诉我们他被警察殴打了。She was wearing a necklace of beaten gold.她戴着一条金项链。We have put the Indian sign on that team and beaten them nearly every game.我们一物降一物,几乎每次比赛都将那个队击败。He was beaten up badly by the bullies.他被一群流氓打得遍体鳞伤。The museum is located well off the beaten path.这家博物馆位置很偏僻。The team is determined not to get beaten again.球队下决心不再输。She could have beaten him in the race, but she held back and let him win. 她本可以在比赛中战胜他,但她没有尽全力,让他赢了。I got beaten to a pulp by three other boys.我被另外三个男孩打得头破血流。So far all the main suspects have beaten the rap.迄今为止,所有主要的嫌疑犯仍然逍遥法外。Glaze the pie with beaten egg.将搅拌过的蛋汁浇在馅饼上。The prisoners were beaten into submission.囚犯们被殴打制服。The attacker was beaten off.进攻者被击退了。He had been beaten over the head with a rock.他的头被石块打中了。Each has several times beaten the other in a straight fight.双方都曾在单打比赛中击败过对方几次。When egg whites are beaten they can rise to seven or eight times their original volume.打过的蛋清,体积可以涨到原来的七八倍。Wolves were beaten to the League title by Portsmouth on goal average that season.那一赛季沃尔夫队被朴茨茅斯队以进失球比打败,未能获得联赛冠军。The child had been beaten black and blue.那孩子被打得青一块紫一块。Liverpool scored early on and never looked like being beaten.利物浦队早早取得了进球,看起来胜券在握。Our troops were beaten back by enemy forces.我们的部队被敌军逼退了。He knelt in repentance and had himself beaten in atonement.他跪下忏悔并让人把自己痛打一顿以赎罪。




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