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词汇 bearing
例句 Exercise has a direct bearing on how healthy you are.锻炼直接影响你的身体状况。A messenger arrived, bearing a letter from the ambassador.送信人到了,带来一封大使的信。Exit Hamlet, bearing the body of Polonius.哈姆雷特扛着波洛尼厄斯的尸体退场。He took a used envelope bearing an Irish postmark.他拿了一个盖着爱尔兰邮戳的旧信封。The stone plaque bearing his name was smashed to pieces.上面刻有他名字的石匾被砸得粉碎。Do you have any information bearing on his disappearance?你有关于他失踪的消息吗?She admired his tall, distinguished bearing.她欣赏他的高大挺拔、卓尔不群。Waiters glide between tightly packed tables bearing trays of pasta.侍者们端着一盘盘意大利面在拥挤的餐桌之间自如穿行。Is rice the most productive food-bearing plant?稻子是不是产粮最多的植物? My orchard is bearing well this year.我的果园今年果实垒垒。The store sells imported goods bearing high prices.这家商店出售价格不菲的进口商品。At any rate, Grace Kelly's cool and sublime bearing was on fine display here.至少,格雷丝·凯莉沉着超然的风采在这里有了很好的体现。It was made of plaster, hard and white and lifeless, bearing no resemblance to human flesh.它由石膏制成,坚硬苍白,毫无生命,与人的肌体没有任何相似之处。What are the facts bearing directly on this matter?与这件事直接相关的事实都是什么?The tree is in full bearing.这棵树果实累累。Taking a compass, he took a bearing.他拿起罗盘,进行方位测定。A suspect's previous criminal record should have no bearing on the trial.嫌疑犯的犯罪记录应当对当前审判没有影响。He set both sails, bearing off the wind a bit.他张起双帆,使船稍稍偏离风向。Products bearing famous trademarks sell well.标有名牌商标的产品畅销。He might have information that has a bearing on the case.他也许掌握着与本案有关的情况。We can't knock through there because that's a load-bearing wall.这是一堵承重墙,我们不能打穿它。It has some bearing on the matter under discussion.那与正在讨论的问题有一些关系。How's Mary bearing up?.玛丽现在怎么样?The girl flashed a smile at the television crew and cameras bearing down on her.那个女孩对着冲向她的电视台工作人员和摄像机笑了笑。He arrived home bearing gifts for everyone.他回家时给每个人都带了礼物。The president's age has no bearing on whether or not I will vote for him.总统的年龄对于我是否投他票没有影响。I should not be surprised about some of her comments, bearing in mind the party she belongs to.想到她所属的那个党派,我对她的一些评论并不感到惊讶。Young people are bearing the brunt of unemployment.失业对年轻人的冲击最大。His behavior was beyond bearing.他的行为令人忍无可忍。The wedding guests arrived, bearing gifts.参加婚礼的宾客带着礼物到来。They arrived bearing gifts.他们带着礼物来了。The roof support structure had collapsed and the entire weight was bearing down on the ceiling.屋顶的支撑结构坍塌了,所有的重量都压在天花板上。The pigs had metal tags in their ears bearing a number.猪耳朵上系有标明数码的金属小牌。She is a girl of noble bearing.她是一个举止端庄的姑娘。He has a military bearing, never failing to carry himself erect.他举手投足颇具军人风范,腰板总是挺得笔直。The demonstrators carried banners bearing various slogans.示威者打着写有各种标语的横幅。The lion is a frequent heraldic bearing.狮是盾形纹章上常见的图案。What you decide now could have a considerable bearing on your future.你现在所作的决定可能会对你的未来产生极大的影响。He has had both streams of cultural influence bearing upon him since birth.从出生起,他就受到两股文化的影响。Diet has an important bearing on your general health.饮食对一个人整体的身体状况有很重要的影响。




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