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词汇 beating
例句 It looked like Leeds United were going to get a beating.看来利兹联队要惨败。There's no point in beating about the bush, so I'll give it to you straight.也没有必要转弯抹角,我就有话直说吧。They gave our team quite a beating.他们使我们队输得很惨。I haven't got the ghost of a chance of beating you.我根本就没有赢你的机会。The rain was beating against the window.雨点敲打着窗户。My heart was beating wildly/frantically with excitement and my pulse was racing!我的心激动得狂跳起来,脉搏也加速了。Wave after wave was beating against the shore.海浪不断地拍打着海岸。Our plans took a real beating from the review committee. 我们的计划被审核委员会痛批了一顿。He could feel his heart beating wildly.他能感觉到心在狂跳。The waves were beating on/against the shore.波涛不停地拍打着岸边。He and his brother are always beating up on each other.他和他的兄弟老是互相打来打去。There was a march with flags flying and drums beating.行军队伍飘着旗帜,擂着战鼓。Barcelona remain top of the league after beating Real Madrid.巴塞罗那队击败皇家马德里队后继续位居联赛榜首。A gang of bullies was beating up on him.一群歹徒正在对他大打出手。The wings of the bird were beating feebly.鸟的翅膀在无力地扑扇着。Nina managed to free herself and began beating at the flames with a pillow.尼娜好不容易挣脱出来,拿起枕头用力扑打火焰。The rain was beating against the windows with renewed force.雨不断地重重敲打着窗户。Now stop beating about the bush and tell me what happened!别再绕圈子了,快告诉我发生了什么事! After his beating Colin ran away and hasn't been heard of since.科林被他打了一顿后就离家出走了,从此杳无音讯。His father gave him a sound beating for making trouble.他父亲因他捣蛋而狠狠打了他一顿。My excited heart was beating far too strong, so I sat up with a jerk and squawked.我激动的心跳得太厉害了,因此我猛地坐起,大叫一声。The boy got a good beating for breaking the window.那男孩因打碎窗玻璃而被狠狠打了一顿。The sun is beating down relentlessly.太阳火辣辣地持续照射着大地。There was a beating of wings overhead.头顶上传来翅膀的拍打声。Property firms have taken a beating on the stock market.房地产公司在股市中遭受了损失。After beating the cake mixture, add a handful of mixed nuts.搅打完蛋糕混合料之后,放入一把什锦果仁。The Conservatives took a beating in the elections.保守党在选举中被击败了。The Dodgers took a real beating on Saturday.星期六道奇队遭遇惨败。The heat of mid-afternoon was beating on the roof.午后的热浪直扑屋顶。Do you think they have a chance of beating Australia?.你认为他们有可能击败澳大利亚吗?Humphrey is in a state psychiatric hospital after being convicted of beating his grandmother.汉弗莱殴打祖母的罪名被判成立以后,就进了一家州立精神病医院。He keeps trying to get it published but I think he's beating a dead horse.他一个劲儿地想将其出版,但我认为他在白费力气。He tried to get into his room by beating the door down.他试图把门撞坏冲进他的屋子。Florida takes some beating as a vacation destination.佛罗里达是个难得的度假胜地。The doctor could feel no pulse beating.医生感觉不到脉搏的跳动。Carry on beating the eggs with a fork until they're light and fluffy.继续用叉子打鸡蛋,直到它变得又薄又松。He ran across the fields, his heart beating madly.他跑过田野,心跳得很快。The rhythmic beating of the drums had a hypnotic effect on him.有节奏的鼓点使得他昏昏欲睡。They have begun a hunger strike in protest at the alleged beating.他们开始绝食以抗议有人所宣称的殴打行为。The England team took a terrible beating.英格兰队遭到惨败。




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