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词汇 bear to
例句 Steve was so happy I couldn't bear to burst his bubble.史蒂夫这么开心,我都不忍心让他失望。The Captain had a thing about neat handwriting; in fact he couldn't bear to look at anything that wasn't beautifully written.上尉特别讲究字迹工整;实际上,如果字写得不漂亮,他会看都不愿意看。She couldn't bear to be parted from her family.她无法忍受和家人分离。He could not bear to be seen to act dishonourably.他不能容忍被人发现行为失检。I can't bear doing this. = I can't bear to do this.这么做我可受不了。I can't bear to see you like this.我不忍见你这样。I simply couldn't bear to leave my little girl.我就是受不了要离开我的小女儿。They could no longer bear to live under the same roof.他们再也不能忍受居住在同一所房子里了。She could not bear to see him so miserable and cast down.她不忍心看到他这样痛苦和沮丧。We'd had such a great vacation, we could hardly bear to leave.我们的假期过得非常愉快,真不愿意离去。He couldn't bear to stay in the ward a moment longer and discharged himself.他在病房里一刻也多待不了,于是就擅自出院了。I couldn't bear to listen to her screams.我受不了听到她的尖叫。I put my hands over my eyes/ears because I couldn't bear to watch/listen.我用手捂住眼睛/耳朵,因为我看/听不下去。I can hardly bear to see him suffering so.我几乎不忍看到他如此受罪。Kim couldn't bear to leave Danny, and cried all the way to the airport.金舍不得离开丹尼,一路哭到机场。He can't bear to talk about it.他无法谈论这件事。She cannot bear to watch the film because of the bad memories it brings back.她看不了那部电影,因为它会勾起一些痛苦的回忆。He could not bear to lay too much responsibility for the unhappiness of his later years on his own shoulders.为自己晚景凄凉承担这么多责任,他接受不了。He wore a false beard to disguise himself.他贴了假胡子来伪装自己。This oven is a bear to clean. 清洗这个烤箱真费事。I couldn't bear to go in the room with its stench of beer and vomit.房间里有啤酒和呕吐物的秽气,一进去我就受不了。He will watch the football game if he can bear to tearhimself away from delights elsewhere.如果他能舍得放弃别处的消遣,他就去看足球赛。I couldn't bear to see my reflection in the mirror.我不忍看镜子里自己的样子。We could hardly bear to be outdoors in the blinding sunlight.太阳这么刺眼,待在外面真让人受不了。It is something of an enigma how a man who could not bear to hurt a living thing could serve as defence secretary.一个不愿伤害生命的人怎么能够担任国防部长,这是有点令人费解的事。Dad just can't bear to be contradicted.爸爸就是受不了有人反驳他。She could hardly bear to look at him.她几乎不敢看他。He cannot bear to look at suffering.他不忍看到别人受罪。How can you bear to see him again after the way he's treated you?他那样对待你,你怎么还能再去见他?I can't bear to think about the day she actually leaves home.我不愿意去想有一天她真的要离家而去。He couldn't bear to think of the lonely year ahead.今后一年要一个人孤零零地度过,他一想到这个就受不了。He can't bear to talk about it, even to me.他不想和别人谈论这件事,哪怕对我也是一样。I could not bear to look at her tear-streaked face.我不忍看她那布满泪痕的脸。




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