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词汇 swing
例句 The Festival always goes with a swing.这个节日总是热闹非凡。The swing rocked to and fro.秋千来回晃动。Her mood could swing rapidly from gloom to exhilaration.她的情绪可能在转瞬之间就从阴郁转向兴奋。One good swing would do it.挥臂使劲一击就会奏效。Give Sarah a turn on the swing.让萨拉坐一次秋千吧。It's said to be a wide luxuary motive home, but there's not enough room to swing a cat!被说成宽敞豪华的活动住房,原来狭小得很。His coach says his golf swing needs improving.他的教练说他的挥杆技术还需要提高。I often want to take a swing at someone to relieve my feelings.我常想打谁一顿来发泄情感。Anti-Semitism is in full swing in the Arab world.在阿拉伯世界里,反犹太主义盛行其道。She walked like a model, with an exaggerated swing of the hips.她走路像个模特,屁股夸张地一扭一扭。The building project is in full swing.这项建筑工程正在全力进行中。The party was in full swing.聚会正进行到高潮。You'll have to take turns on the swing.你们得轮流荡秋千。The presidential campaign was in full swing.总统竞选运动正在全力进行中。Some drunk took a swing at me. 有个醉汉向我挥了一拳。I'll swing by tomorrow, before I fly back.明天我坐飞机回去之前会来拜访的。With a heavy swing of the mallet, he drove the post into the ground.他用木槌一记重敲将柱子打入地里。They smooched while sitting on the porch swing.他们坐在游廊的秋千上接吻。In two years' time there is a presidential election, and the voters could swing again.总统选举在两年后举行,届时选民们可能会再次倒向另一方。I hadn't worked in an office for several years, so it took me a while to get back into the swing of it.我已经好几年没有在办公室工作了,所以过了好长时间我才能真正投入工作。He stepped out of the batter's box to take a practice swing.他走出击球区,练习挥棒。Her room is always at sixes and sevens, even without room to swing a cat.她的房间总是乱七八糟的,连个下脚的地方都没有。The balance continues to swing away from final examinations to continuous assessment.期末考试渐渐被连续性评估所取代。Firefighters are ready to leap/spring/swing into action at a moment's notice.消防队员们随时待命。Sara Lewis' impressive recipes are guaranteed to make the party go with a swing.莎拉·刘易斯的食谱相当丰富,聚会必然会热闹有趣。Barcelona was full of visitors, and preparations for the Olympic Games were in full swing.巴塞罗那到处都是游客,奥运会的准备工作正进行得如火如荼。Oil prices continued an upward swing.油价继续上扬。Between the mulberry trees swing long festoons of grapevines.在两棵桑树间悬荡着长长的花彩似的葡萄藤。That's more like it, you're getting into the swing of things now.这才对了嘛,你现在慢慢开始熟悉情况了。There was some nice syncopation and it had a good swing to it.其中有些动听的切分音,而且节奏也很优美。There's an election in two years' time and the voters could swing again.两年后要进行选举,到时候选民们可能还会改主意的。There was a sandpit, a seesaw and a swing in the playground.游乐场上有一处沙坑、一块跷跷板和一个秋千架。Let your arms swing as you walk.边走边摆动双臂。It was described as a large, luxury mobile home, but there was barely room to swing a cat.那个活动房被形容为宽敞豪华,可事实上几乎连转身的地儿都没有。That dangling swing is a throwback of the old times.那摇摆中的秋千让我回想起从前。The party went with a swing from the start.这个聚会从一开始就有声有色。If he can swing it, he'll visit next month.如果他能办妥的话,他下个月将会来访。She should be able to swing a significant number of women's votes.她应该能够拉到大量女性的选票。He took a swing at the pitch. 他挥棒击打投球。One swing of the hammer was all it took to drive the nail through the board.铁锤一击就足以把钉子敲穿了木板。




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