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词汇 suppressed
例句 The editor bowed to pressure from his staff, and the article was suppressed.主编屈从于编辑人员的压力,没有发表这篇文章。Any form of protest is ruthlessly suppressed.任何形式的抗议都遭到了无情的镇压。He looked at me, waiting with suppressed anger.他看着我,压住怒火等着。She was bent over with suppressed laughter.她弯下腰强忍着笑。Emotions can become destructive if they are suppressed and denied.情绪如受到压抑及不被认可就可能变得具有破坏性。The intensity of the trial caused her long-suppressed emotions to come out in the open.审讯的紧张气氛使她长期被压抑的感情公开表露了出来。The disloyal thought was instantly suppressed.这个不忠的念头立刻就被压了下去。The revolt was suppressed with total ruthlessness.这次起义被极端残忍地镇压了。State monopolies had suppressed all forms of economic competition.国家垄断压制了各种形式的经济竞争。This information had been deliberately suppressed.这条信息被故意封锁了。Political dissent was brutally suppressed.持不同政见者遭到了残酷的镇压。Most doctors agree that a suppressed libido is often associated with emotional and psychological problems.大多数医生都认为性压抑往往与情绪问题和心理问题有关。A suppressed immune system puts a transplant recipient at risk of other infections.接受器官移植的病人免疫系统受到抑制后很可能会感染其他疾病。His feelings of resentment have been suppressed for years.他的怨恨之情已经压抑了多年。They claim that the report has been deliberately suppressed by the oil companies.他们声称这篇报道已遭到那些石油公司的刻意封锁和压制。All religious activities were suppressed.所有宗教活动都遭到了打压。A number of documents which were very germane to the case were suppressed.许多与案件密切相关的文件都被查禁了。They suppressed facts discreditable to themselves.他们不让会使他们丢脸的事实真相暴露出来。A pro-democracy uprising was brutally suppressed.一场争取民主的起义被残酷镇压了。Sophie felt a surge of anger, but with an effort she suppressed it.索菲感到怒火中烧,但努力把它压了下去。He suppressed a wince as the pain returned.他又疼了起来,但他强忍着没有龇牙咧嘴。He can't help a suppressed giggle.他忍不住偷笑了一声。She suppressed a mirthless smile.她强忍住苦笑。The king's army suppressed/quelled/crushed the rebellion.国王的军队镇压/平定/粉碎了叛乱。Her face was charged with barely suppressed anger.她一脸抑制不住的愤怒。The wrong criminal is in the dock either because a genuine mistake has been made or because evidence has been suppressed.冤案错案的出现,要么是因为确实弄错了,要么是因为证据被隐瞒。He is full of suppressed anger and needs to find some way of releasing it.他满腔怒火郁结于胸,需要找个发泄的方式。The government suppressed the truth.政府隐瞒了真相。He kissed her with suppressed violence.他按捺住激情亲吻了她。The reproduction and growth of the cancerous cells can be suppressed by bombarding them with radiation.可以通过放疗杀死癌细胞来抑制其再生和扩散。The two men suppressed their mutual distaste.两个人都抑制着对对方的反感。Members of these sects are ruthlessly persecuted and suppressed.这些教派的教徒们遭到了残酷的迫害和镇压。The revolt was suppressed in a couple of days.叛乱在几天之内就被镇压下去了。The pro-independence group has been attacked and suppressed.支持独立的团体受到了攻击和压制。He suppressed a wince as motion renewed the pain.他一动之下又疼了起来,但他强忍着没有皱眉。I suppressed a strong urge to yawn.我强忍着不打呵欠。The growth of cancerous cells can be suppressed with radiation.癌细胞的生长可以通过放疗进行抑制。Any opposition to the regime is ruthlessly suppressed.任何反政府活动都遭到残酷镇压。The medication effectively suppressed the pain.药物有效地抑制了疼痛。He suppressed a shudder of disgust.他忍着没有因厌恶而颤抖。




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