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词汇 stride
例句 She paused mid-stride when the doorbell rang.她正提脚要走,门铃响了。I told her what had happened and she took it all in her stride.我告诉了她发生的事情,她完全从容地去应对。The team took time to get into their stride.该队逐渐进入了状态。She was surprised and thrown off stride by the unexpected question.她被突如其来的问题弄得惊慌失措。She entered the room with a confident stride.她自信地走进房间。Liz seems to be taking the divorce in her stride.莉兹好像对离婚的事处之泰然。Holmes matched Boulmerka stride for stride down the home straight to finish second.霍姆斯在最后冲刺阶段和布尔梅卡齐头并进,最后获得了第二名。The slightest noise puts him off his stride when he's performing.他表演时再细小的声响也会使他分心。The campaign is just getting into its stride.宣传活动刚刚步入正轨。As he ran down the field, the defender kept up with him stride for stride. 当他在场上向前跑时,对方防守队员步步紧逼。A great stride has been taken towards our goal.我们朝着目标迈出了一大步。He's still learning and when he hits his stride, he'll be unstoppable.他仍旧处在学习阶段,一旦驾轻就熟后将势不可挡。He was working steadily until an interruption put him off his stride.他当时正稳步工作,直到遇到干扰才乱了套。When you become a politician, you soon learn to take criticism in your stride.等你成了政治家,你很快就会学会对他人的批评泰然处之。He walked with a long, smooth stride.他走路时步子很大、很稳。He lengthened his stride to keep up with her.为了跟上她,他加大了步子。Nigel smiled and took the criticism in his stride.奈杰尔笑了笑,对批评处之泰然。When the boss asked Judy to stay late, she took it in stride.当老板要求朱迪待得晚点时,她泰然处之。He wasn't going to let a bit of heckling put him off his stride.他不会因为一点点起哄就让自己乱了阵脚。She graduated from college, went to law school, and without breaking stride joined a successful law firm.她大学毕业之后去读了法学院,紧接着就加入了一家有名的律师事务所。Without pausing for breath or breaking her stride, she pushed open the door of his private office.她既没有停下来喘口气,也没有放慢脚步,而是径直推开了他的私人办公室的门。In one short stride he reached the window.他跨一小步就到了窗前。He walked into the hall with a stride full of purpose.他果断地迈步走进大厅。Without breaking stride Ian kept going at full pace.伊恩没有乱了步伐,继续全速跑下去。Most kids get teased a bit at school - they have to learn to take it in their stride.大多数孩子在学校都会受到一些取笑,他们得学会从容地应对。He is not a man to be put off his stride by one little setback.他不是那种因为一点儿小挫折就乱了阵脚的人。We watched him stride away.我们看着他迈大步走了。He caught the ball and passed it to a teammate without breaking stride.他接到球后没有停下脚步就直接传给了队友。Once I get into my stride I can finish an essay in a few hours.我一旦进入状态,几个小时就能写完一篇论文。On a gradient the stride should be shortened.在坡道上应把步距收短。When he's got into his stride, I'm sure his work will improve.当他满怀信心地干起来时,我肯定他的工作会有起色。The company has matched its competitors stride for stride. 这家公司和竞争对手们齐头并进。Both teams seem to have hit their stride in the second half.下半场两支球队似乎都已进入状态。Shea's testimony threw the defense off stride.谢伊的证词使辩护律师乱了阵脚。He has a distinctive bouncy stride.他走起路来生气勃勃,很有特点。I thought she'd be upset, but she has taken the news in stride.我以为她会很难过,但她从容接受了这个消息。He would stride on stage then proceed to coax the sweetest possible sounds out of his violin.他会大步走上舞台,然后轻轻地拉他的小提琴,奏出美妙动听的曲调。He matched his stride to her slower pace.他放慢自己的步子,与她保持一致。Let's wait until she's got into her stride before we ask her to negotiate that contract.让我们等她熟悉了情况进入状态之后再和她磋商那份合同的内容。She attributes her record-breaking speed to the length of her stride.她认为她的速度之所以能打破纪录是因为步幅大。




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