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词汇 straighten
例句 He took time to straighten out the papers on his desk.他花时间整理了桌上的文件。You need to straighten your life out.你需要让自己的生活变好。He paused to straighten his bow tie, which was askew.他停下来理正歪了的领结。A warning from the judge should help to straighten him out.法官的警告该有助于使他改邪归正。The city's janitors went on strike, leaving thousands of workers to straighten their own offices up and empty their own trash.该市的清洁工人都罢工了,弄得数千员工只好自己打扫办公室和倒垃圾。A team of accountants was brought in to straighten out the firm's finances.一组会计被请来清理这家公司的财务。Exercise helped to straighten the injured arm.锻炼有助于使伤臂伸直。He would make an appointment with her to straighten out a couple of things.他会约她出来把一些事情说清楚。He spent years trying to straighten out his drug-addict brother.他用了一年多的时间努力使他哥哥戒掉毒瘾。Pepe was careful to straighten his room before leaving.佩佩很细心,走之前把房间收拾得整整齐齐。His business background helped him straighten out city finances when he took over.凭着自己的商科背景,他接手后理清了该市的财政状况。He misunderstands certain aspects of our plan; I'd like to straighten him out on these.他误解了我们计划的某些方面,我想就这些方面给他讲讲清楚。You need to straighten up, young man.年轻人,你要学学好。I don't know how to straighten the mess out.我不知该如何收拾这个烂摊子。You'd better straighten up or else!你最好改邪归正,否则有你好看的!First, straighten your legs, then flex your feet.首先,伸直双腿,接着活动双脚。Could you straighten out these cupboards, please?你能把碗橱收拾妥当吗?Please straighten out the crinkle in the bedspread.请把床罩上的折皱弄平。Can we have a bit of order here? Someone straighten those desks out to start with!我们有点秩序好不好?找人来先把这些桌子排整齐!Her parents sent her to boarding school to straighten her out.她父母送她去寄宿学校,希望这样她能改好。You'd better straighten up or you'll never make it out of high school.你得改过自新,否则就别想高中毕业。She tried to straighten her leg out, crying in pain.她试着把腿伸直,痛得大叫起来Let's straighten up the room.我们把房间整理一下吧。Would you straighten that picture over there? - It's a bit cockeyed.把那边那幅画摆正一点好吗?——有点歪。He needed to straighten things out in his mind.他得在脑子里把事情理清楚。Gemma needed surgery to straighten her knee out.杰玛需要动手术把弯曲的膝盖拉直。His muscles went into spasm and he couldn't straighten up.他肌肉抽筋了,无法站直。I need more time to straighten out my problems.我还需要些时间来解决我的问题。He would make an appointment with him to straighten out a couple of things.他将和他约个时间把几件事情理清楚。After the kids have left for school, I straighten up the house.孩子们上学后我便收拾屋子。Please don't straighten the mess on my desk! You'll goof up my system.我书桌上凌乱的东西请你不要整理!那会把我的体系搞乱。You need to straighten out your legs for this stretch.做这个伸展动作时要把腿伸直。Her parents changed her school, hoping it would straighten her out.父母给她换了所学校,希望这样她能改好。We hurried to straighten up before they arrived.我们在他们到达之前匆忙把东西整理好。The problem will not straighten out on its own.问题不会自己解决。The curtains will straighten after a few days.窗帘过几天就会挺直的。The picture fell while I was trying to straighten it.我想把画的位置调正,结果它掉下来了。Mark and I managed to straighten up the house before our parents got home.马克和我赶在爸爸妈妈回家之前收拾好了屋子。From ingrained habit he paused to straighten up the bed.出于长期的习惯,他停下来整理床铺。Kelly, when you're through with your break, would you straighten the office?凯莉,你休息之后,把办公室收拾一下行吗?




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