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词汇 statements
例句 He reasoned that both statements couldn't be true.他推断,两种说法都不可能正确。He was arrested for making seditious statements.他因为发表煽动性的言论而被捕。The President's public statements are so obviously out of step with the majority of his party.总统的公开言论跟他党内的大多数人显然很不协调。 He argued that Labour should counter this propaganda with a series of press statements.他主张工党应在报刊上发表一系列声明来反击这种宣传。His statements are likely to cost him dearly among the general electorate.他的种种言论可能会让他在普通选民中声望大跌。The belligerent statements from both sides have led to fears of war.双方充满火药味的声明引发了对战争的担忧。Such statements give rise to the false belief that we are all under constant threat from terrorism.这种声明会让人错误地以为我们一直在遭受恐怖主义的威胁。Decide whether these statements are true or false.判断这些说法是对还是错。He cannot be in his right senses, else he would not make such wild statements.他肯定神智不清,要不然就不会作出这样狂妄的声明了。Police said her statements did not add up.警方说她的陈述不能自圆其说。A clear message is emerging from these government statements.这些政府声明都突出一个清晰的主题。The coroner can make assumptions but we need to be pulling together all the witness statements, too.验尸官可以提出假设,但我们仍需要综合考虑所有证词。He gave false and misleading statements to the court.他向法庭作了不正确和有误导性的陈述。The advertisement included misleading/false statements about the product.广告对这一产品的描述有误导/不实之词。It is worth pausing to consider these statements from Mr Davies.戴维斯先生的这番话值得大家停下来思考一下。We must reconcile our statements with our conduct.我们必须做到言行一致。Police noticed inconsistency in his two statements.警察注意到他的两次陈述有出入。Previously, we operated an honor system, where employees signed statements of residency but these were not verified. 过去我们实行一套无监督系统,员工签署居住声明,但并无人核实。He claims that his statements have been misinterpreted by the media.他宣称他的声明被媒体曲解了。There was a lot of hullabaloo over his controversial statements.他那有争议的声明引起极大骚乱。The statements and views expressed herein are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Wilson Centre.本书中的陈述和观点为作者个人意见,不一定代表威尔逊中心的看法。I can see from my monthly bank statements whether I'm in credit or not.我可以从每个月的银行账单上看到我的账户里是否有钱。The contradictory statements are symptoms of disarray in the administration.这些互相矛盾的说法反映了管理的混乱。Those statements have never been reported in the Western media.那些言论从来没有被西方媒体报道过。The fiery right-wing leader toned down his militant statements after the meeting.言辞激烈的右翼领袖在会后收敛了他的好战言论。They are appalled at these statements.他们对这些声明感到惊诧。Their statements are at variance.他们的说法相互矛盾。The convictions rest solely on disputed witnesses and confessional statements.仅仅根据有争议的目击者证言和认罪供词就判了罪。His version of events does not accord with witnesses' statements.他对事件的说法和目击者们的陈述不一致。He expressed alarm about the government's increasingly bellicose statements.他对政府越来越具挑衅性的声明表示担忧。Some of his statements are so incorrect that they border on fraudulence.他的某些说法非常不正确以致近乎欺诈。She refused to elaborate on her earlier statements.她拒绝详述她先前的声明。The general made some bellicose statements about his country's military strength.将军发表了一些挑衅性的言论,显示该国强大的军事力量。I don't feel like shutting up; I think statements about injustice should be made.我不想住口,我认为应该发表关于不公正的声明。Rebels like Katharine Hamnett have made a name for bold, declamatory statements.诸如凯瑟琳·哈姆内特之类的叛逆者以口出大胆、夸张之词而闻名。She was asked to say more about her earlier statements, but she declined/refused to elaborate.大家要她多谈谈她早先的言论,可她拒绝详述。He made untrue statements to the press.他向媒体发表虚假声明。If their statements correspond, we'll have no trouble.如果他们的话一致,我们就不会有麻烦。Taken in isolation these statements can be dangerous fallacies.孤立地看,这些说法可能是危险的谬论。US diplomats say the president is likely to take the high road in his statements about trade.美国的外交官们说,总统在贸易问题的声明中可能会采取最保险的立场。




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