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例句 Bolivia has been mercifully free of large-scale, drug-related violence.幸运的是,玻利维亚没有发生过与毒品有关的大规模暴力事件。What was the point in living in the past, thinking about what had or had not happened?老是生活在过去,想着曾经发生过,或是没有发生过什么,有什么意义?So far, there has been very little violence on the picket line.到目前为止,纠察线上几乎没有发生暴力行为。There wasn't so much as a hint of nookie between them.他们之间没有发生过性关系的迹象。We had years of trouble-free motoring.我们多年来开车都没有发生过事故。They were waiting for a death blow that never came.他们等待着那致命一击,但那一击却没有发生The rest of the day passed uneventfully.那天余下的时间里没有发生什么特别的事。Little seems to have happened in the interim.从那时到现在其间似乎没有发生过什么事情。Nothing like that had ever happened up to then.在那时之前没有发生过此类事情。The fans were well behaved, and the game was played without incident.球迷们规规矩矩,比赛进行得很顺利,没有发生不愉快的事件。Her father tried to pretend that nothing unusual had happened.她父亲试图装作没有发生任何异常情况。Quite a few people were milling about, but nothing was happening.有不少人在附近转来转去,可是什么事情也没有发生The visit passed off without any serious incidents.这次访问没有发生太大的意外。The government has soldiered on as if nothing were wrong.政府装作没有发生什么乱子似的,依旧在坚持着。The expected sales bonanza hadn't materialised.期望中的旺销并没有发生Nothing's happened Connie. Zilch.什么事都没有发生,康妮。一点事也没有。The expected blow-up among the students never happened.原本以为在学生中会爆发的争吵一直没有发生There hasn't been much action around here for months.几个月来这里没有发生多少有意思的事。You can unhappen it just by saying we won't speak of it again.要说此事没有发生过还不简单,只需你说声我们不要再谈论此事就行。Since the cease-fire there have been no major battles, only scattered firefights.停火以来没有发生过重大的战斗,只不过有一些稀稀拉拉的交火。All these things did happen. Keeping them secret isn't going to unhappen them.这些事情确实全都发生了,保密并不等于说它们没有发生He hastened to assure me that there was nothing traumatic to report.他急忙向我保证,说没有发生什么可怕的事情。The protest march passed off without any serious trouble.抗议游行进行得很顺利,其间没有发生任何严重问题。It's not unheard-of for a patient's condition to improve this quickly.患者的病情好得这么快,这在以前不是没有发生过。On the surface, it appears little has changed in the Arab world.表面上看,阿拉伯世界似乎没有发生什么变化。Riot police are on hand but have not been confrontational.防暴警察就在现场,但没有发生对抗。Problems were expected, but they never materialized.估计会有问题,但一直没有发生He was assured by a senior member of the cabin crew that there definitely was not an emergency.一位高级乘务人员向他保证绝对没有发生紧急情况。There's been no trouble on my patch for weeks.在我的管区好几个星期来没有发生什么事端。In spite of last night's terrorist attack, most people seem to be going about their business as if nothing had happened.尽管昨晚发生了恐怖袭击,大多数人似乎还是像平常一样生活工作,好像什么事情也没有发生过。There's no sense in pretending this doesn't happen.假装这件事没有发生毫无意义。Our internal wiring has not changed much since the time of our hairy ancestors.从我们的多毛祖先以来,我们的体内神经网络并没有发生多少变化。He was marvelously cool again, smiling as if nothing had happened.他又变得出奇地冷静,微笑着,好像什么也没有发生过。Marchers jeered at white passers-by, but there was no violence, nor any arrests.游行者奚落路过的白人,但没有发生暴力事件,也没有人被逮捕。We didn't have intercourse.我们没有发生性关系。I was amazed that virtually all the things I took for granted up north just didn't happen in London.几乎所有我认为在北方是理所当然的事情在伦敦都没有发生,这让我惊诧不已。I can't spend the rest of my life wishing it hadn't happened. Life goes on.我不能下半辈子一直活在希望这事没有发生的阴影中。生活还是要继续。I can't spend the rest of my life wishing it hadn't happened.我不能下半辈子一直活在悔恨中,希望这事没有发生过。The publishing world had certainly never seen an event quite like this.出版界以前确实没有发生过类似这样的事。Nothing very terrible happened.没有发生什么特别糟糕的事情。




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