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例句 His actions are in consonance with his beliefs.他的行为和他的信仰是一致的。Such generous actions stamped him as a man of honour.这些慷慨行为说明他是一个君子。I believe that their actions were motivated in great part by a desire for revenge.我认为他们的行为很大程度上是受报复心所驱使。His actions remain indefensible because he broke his word and his contract.他的所作所为是无可辩解的,因为他既食言又违约。Experts wonder why the US government is not taking similarly strong actions against AIDS in this country.专家们对为什么美国政府没在这个国家采取类似的强硬措施来对抗艾滋病而感到疑惑。We all must answer for our actions.我们都必须对自己的行动负责。The reverberations of his actions will be felt for years to come.他行为的负面影响将会延续多年。Peptic ulcers are partly caused by the actions of hydrochloric acid and pepsin.消化性溃疡部分是由盐酸和胃蛋白酶造成的。They do not have the courage to apologise for their actions.他们没有勇气为自己的行为道歉。Parents should not be able to abrogate responsibility for the actions of their children .父母不应放弃监管子女行为的责任。They're trying to impute selfish motives to my actions. 他们试图把我的行为归因于自私的动机。His actions for some weeks have given indication of queerness.几个星期以来,他的行为有一些古怪。She observed his actions with interest.她饶有兴趣地观察他的行动。He made a speech in justification of his actions.他发表了一段讲话来为自己的行为辩解。Your actions disgraced the family.你的行为使全家丢脸。The paper published an editorial strongly criticizing the mayor's actions.报纸发表了一篇社论,强烈批评市长的行为。His actions have earned him stern rebukes from human-rights organizations.他的行为使他受到了人权组织的严厉指责。I read his actions as a cry for help.我解读他的这些举动实际上是求救。Folks around here have been pretty angry about the governor's actions.这里的人对州长的做法相当愤怒。If we play false, the victims of our actions will remember, and not treat us so kindly in the future.如果我们使诈,被我们坑害的人会牢记在心,将来可不会再对我们这么客气了。He should think carefully about actions like this which play into the hands of his opponents.他在采取这种正中对手下怀的行动前应该仔细考虑。Their actions threatened a serious breach in relations between the two countries.他们的行动使两国关系面临严重恶化的危险。The Secretary General says the declaration must now be backed up by concrete and effective actions.秘书长说现在必须将宣言付诸具体有效的行动。Players can be disqualified for unsporting actions in the heat of contest.在激烈的竞赛中,缺乏体育道德的选手会被取消比赛资格。The school has been asked to take certain actions to fix the problem.学校被要求采取行动解决问题。The inference was that he condoned their actions.结论是他宽恕了他们的行为。Their actions belie their claim to be innocent.他们的行为使他们自称无辜的谎言不攻自破。Their actions were motivated in large measure by a desire for revenge.他们的行动在很大程度上是出于复仇的欲望。People were shocked by the depravity of her actions.人们对她行为的邪恶感到震惊。As with many ill-considered actions, it probably seemed like the right thing to do at the time.正如很多考虑不当的行为一样,这样做在当时看来也许是正确的。It is difficult to separate actions that terrorize a population from those that dehumanize and humiliate it.对人们实行的恐怖统治就是一种令他们人性泯灭并对其加以羞辱的行为,二者很难区分开。He destroyed the witness's character by insinuating base motives to his actions.他旁敲侧击地说证人的举动出于卑鄙的动机,以破坏其名誉。There is plenty of evidence that her actions were in violation of an earlier contract.有大量证据表明她的行为违反了先前的合同。Even successful bosses need to be queried about the whys and wherefores of their actions.即使成功的老板也需要接受对其行动缘由的质疑。The committee chose to ignore questions of the constitutionality of the Senator's actions.委员会故意对该参议员的行为是否合宪的问题避而不谈。Many in the Asian community feel that the police actions were motivated by racial bias.亚洲人社区中许多人认为警方的所为是出于种族偏见。Their actions have opened the government to charges of corruption.他们的行为已经让政府受到腐败的指控。They described the president's actions as a gross violation of human rights.他们把总裁的行为描述为赤裸裸的人权侵犯。The actions of those who died in the Great War will be remembered for all time.一次大战中死难者的事迹,我们将永志不忘。I couldn't find the words to express my disgust at his actions.我无法用语言来表达我对他所作所为的厌恶。




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