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词汇 soothe
例句 She was doing her best to soothe the crying baby.她尽全力安抚着啼哭的婴儿。Nothing can soothe their pain.什么都不能减轻他们的痛苦。Maybe a drink would help soothe your nerves.也许喝一杯酒会让你镇定下来。This cream contains a mild analgesic to soothe stings and bites.这种乳膏里含有一种药性平和的止痛剂,可以缓解蚊虫螫咬后的疼痛。A nice cup of tea will soothe your nerves.一杯好茶能使你镇定下来。Inhalations can soothe and control the cough.吸入药剂可以缓解并抑制咳嗽。The sound of gurgling water seemed to soothe Harry's head.汩汩的流水声似乎使哈里的头脑平静下来。She had put on some cream to soothe her sunburn.她在晒伤的部位涂了药膏以减轻疼痛。The waiter tried to soothe the angry customer.这名服务员极力安抚愤怒的顾客。Nobody can totally soothe his suffering.没有人能使他完全忘掉痛苦。Use it to soothe burnt skin.用它来减轻烧伤皮肤之痛。I tried to think up some anodyne remarks to soothe her.我试图想出几句安慰的话来减轻她的痛苦。You will need to make an extra effort to soothe their wounded feelings.你需要付出额外的努力来安抚他们受伤的情感。A hot cloth pressed against your jaw will usually soothe a toothache.把热毛巾放在下巴上一般能缓解牙痛。I bought some lozenges to soothe my sore throat.我买了一些润喉糖来减轻喉咙痛。Drink barley water to soothe inflammation.喝点大麦水舒缓一下炎症。Pressure at the base of the spine can help soothe pain.对脊柱根部加压有助于缓解疼痛。Massage can gently soothe away your aches and pains.按摩可以慢慢地缓解疼痛。The news wasn't enough to soothe the nerves of the high-street banks.这个消息不足以让各大银行放松神经。It did not take long for the central bank to soothe investors' fears.中央银行很快便消除了投资者的担忧。Use a moisturizer to soothe any dryness.使用保湿乳液减轻皮肤的干燥。She played music to soothe the baby.她播放音乐哄宝宝安静下来。I had a long, hot bath to soothe my aching muscles.我洗了个热水澡,泡了很长时间以缓解肌肉的疼痛。She made a cup of tea to soothe her nerves.她泡了杯茶让自己放松下来。This lotion should soothe/stop/relieve the itching. 这种洗液可以缓解/止住/减轻瘙痒。We did not know how to soothe the bereaved mother.我们不知如何安慰那位丧子的母亲。He would take her in his arms and soothe her.他会把她揽入怀中安抚她。




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