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词汇 singers
例句 The singers harmonized their voices beautifully.歌手们的声音美妙地融合在一起。The rose is the most romantic of flowers, beloved of poets, singers, and artists.玫瑰是最浪漫的花朵,为诗人、歌唱家和艺术家所钟爱。A new group of singers are coming to the forefront.一群新歌手正崭露头角。Some pop singers sank virtually within a year.一些流行歌手不到一年就无声无息了。Lots of young singers modelled themselves on Beyoncé.很多年轻歌手都以碧昂丝为效仿对象。She's one of those singers who are not easily classifiable.她属于那种难以归类的歌手。I think more singers have covered "Yesterday" than any other song.我想翻唱《昨日》的歌手人数超过其他任何一首歌的翻唱人数。She coaches young actors/singers.她指导年轻演员/歌手。They were entertained by top singers, dancers and celebrities.顶级歌手、舞蹈演员和名人们给他们带来娱乐。The singers were a bit rusty after the long break.长时间间歇过后,歌手们有些生疏。It looks to me as if the singers are only mouthing the words .在我看来,这些歌手好像只是在对口型假唱。He mimicked the vocal styles of several famous singers.他模仿了几位著名歌手的演唱风格。The song is in Russian, a language unfamiliar to many singers.这是首俄文歌曲,许多歌手对这种语言都不熟悉。Our wedding singers are the best in Las Vegas.我们的婚礼歌手是拉斯维加斯最好的。I was frankly astonished at the degree to which different singers can affect the interpretation of a song.我真的很惊讶,不同歌手对同一首歌的诠释的影响竟是如此不同。Johann would creep into the gallery to listen to the singers.约翰会悄悄溜进楼座去听歌手唱歌。Some of the singers had a little trouble with the high notes.有的歌手唱高音有些困难。Stardom is the ultimate ambition of most young singers and actors.大多数青年歌手和青年演员最终追求的是登上明星宝座。In those days we had a band with a brass section and a couple of female backing singers.那时候我们的乐队有一个铜管组,还有几个女声伴唱。Bessie Smith is one of the most famous blues singers.贝西·史密斯是最著名的布鲁斯歌手之一。He is the despair of all other singers.他使其他歌唱家望尘莫及。I don't sing perfectly in tune, but I think I put more expression into my lyrics than a lot of other singers do.我唱歌不是特别合拍,但我认为我唱得比其他很多歌手都更富感情。They were entertained by top singers, dancers, and celebrities.顶级歌手、舞蹈演员和名人给他们带来娱乐。The audience rose as one man to applaud the singers.观众全体起立向歌手们鼓掌。He is one of the greatest singers on disc.他是录有唱片的最伟大的歌唱家之一。The star arrived in London with her usual entourage of dancers and backing singers.这位歌星到达了伦敦,随行的还有她惯用的伴舞和伴唱人员。The singers and dancers stirred up a lot of excitement.歌者和舞者们令群众兴奋不已。We have introduced singers like Madeline Bell as headliners and I think the club is beginning to take off.我们已经聘请了马德琳·贝尔等歌手担任主唱,我认为俱乐部马上就会有起色了。He is one of the world's best-known opera singers.他是世界上最有名的歌剧演员之一。Some actresses and opera singers have temperament.有些女演员和唱歌剧者容易兴奋。She has a quality that sets her apart from other singers. 她有与其他歌手截然不同的特色。The singers were warbling `Over the Rainbow'.歌手们在唱《跨越彩虹》这首歌。I put more expression into my lyrics than a lot of other singers do.我唱得比其他很多歌手都更富感情。Billie Holiday or Bessie Smith had more personality than a hundred of today's pop singers.不管是比利·霍利迪也好,贝茜·史密斯也好,都比当今一百个流行乐歌手加起来还要有个性。A group of singers were harmonizing on the street corner.一群歌手正在街角用和声演唱。The show, hosted by journalist Robert Elms, features movie stars and singers.由新闻记者罗伯特·埃尔姆斯主持的这个节目专门报道电影明星和歌星的消息。The last show of the tour was in Atlanta, and I decided to give a party for the singers and musicians.巡回演出最后一场在亚特兰大进行,我决定为歌手和乐手举行一场晚会。The singers rendered the song with enthusiasm.歌手们热情洋溢地演唱了这首歌。The gospel singers appear animated, energetic, and happy.那些福音歌手看起来很活泼、精力充沛而且很快乐。She had now become a regular member of the cast of singers.这时她已成为歌唱队的正式成员了。




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