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词汇 beer
例句 A smiling woman holding a can of beer came over to us.一个女人手里拿着一罐啤酒笑盈盈地朝我们走来。His health had improved enough to permit him a beer or two before dinner.他身体好多了,餐前喝一两杯啤酒没问题。I spent most of the day scrubbing beer stains out of the carpets.我花了大半天时间把地毯上的啤酒渍刷洗掉。You stupid jerk! You've just spilled beer all down my new shirt!你这个笨蛋!你把啤酒全洒在我的新衬衫上了!Draught beer must not be kept long-term in the refrigerator.生啤不要在冰箱里放得太久。We tried to keep on the right side of the house-keeper, so that she would let us bring beer in.我们尽量和管家搞好关系,这样她就肯让我们带啤酒进来。Draught beer is available too.还提供桶装啤酒。We perched on bar stools and had a beer.我们坐在酒吧高凳上,喝了一杯啤酒。He asked for a pint of beer.他要了一品脱啤酒。Betty drank a mouthful of beer.贝蒂喝了一大口啤酒。Do you drink beer?你喝啤酒吗?Kvass is a mild beer that is sometimes used in Russian cooking for its sour flavor.克瓦斯啤酒是一种淡啤酒,因为带有酸味有时会在俄式烹调中使用。I usually drink either coke or beer.一般我要么喝可乐,要么喝啤酒。He exists on beer and sandwiches.他靠啤酒和三明治度日。I drink wine and beer occasionally, but I never touch the hard stuff. 我偶尔喝葡萄酒和啤酒,但从不碰烈性酒。He took a glass of beer and relaxed after a day's work.一天工作下来,他喝杯啤酒轻松一下。The company lost its monopoly on exporting beer to India.这家公司失去了向印度出口啤酒的专营权。She had acquired a taste for European beer.她开始喜欢喝欧洲啤酒了。They were being overcharged for cheap beer.他们买廉价啤酒被索了高价。It takes your body about an hour to burn up one unit of alcohol, such as half a pint of beer.人体需要大约一小时分解一个单位的酒精量,比如半品脱啤酒之类。He's gone down to the basement to get some more beer.他下到地窖里再拿些啤酒来。Bill wastes all his money on beer and cigarettes.比尔把钱都浪费在啤酒和香烟上。He took a big draft of beer.他喝了一大口啤酒。Spencer waded through the debris of broken chairs and beer bottles.斯潘塞艰难地迈过一堆破椅子和碎啤酒瓶。The beer is brewed at the Charles Wells Brewery.这种啤酒是由查尔斯·威尔斯啤酒厂酿造的。Many of their beer parties ended in a drunken brawl.他们很多次的喝啤酒聚会都以喝醉了打架结束。Care for a jar?They keep good beer.喝一杯怎么样? 他们备有上好的啤酒。The weather has brought such a demand for beer that one brewery will operate over the weekend.天气状况使得对啤酒的需求大增,一家啤酒厂周末要加班了。She doesn't like beer, but drank it faute de mieux.她并不爱喝啤酒,但当时因没有更好的饮料而只好将就着喝了。He sat swigging beer and smoking.他坐着,一边大口喝啤酒一边抽烟。Will you have a beer?你要喝啤酒吗?We have Bud beer 6-packs on special at $5.我们供应特价百威啤酒,六罐装售五美元。They fretted out the next few days over beer.他们借酒浇愁,度过以后的几天。The beer is brewed at the Charles Wells Brewery.这种啤酒是查尔斯·威尔斯啤酒厂生产的。He was hoping to touch her for a sandwich and a glass of beer.他讹她请客吃一个三明治和一杯啤酒。The beer is brewed in the time-honoured way at the Castle Eden Brewery.伊登堡酿酒厂以传统方式酿造啤酒。The hostess iced the beer.女主人冷藏啤酒。I'm afraid German beer isn't for me.恐怕我喝不了德国啤酒。The beer festival was a huge open-air jamboree with music, stalls and everyone enjoying themselves.啤酒节是一场大型的露天狂欢,有音乐和货摊,每个人都尽情享乐。He drank a terrific amount of beer.他喝了太多的啤酒。




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