例句 |
The shortstop snagged the grounder.游击手迅速接住了滚地球。She hit a ground ball to first base.她朝一垒的位置击出一个滚地球。His manager got angry because he failed to run out a grounder.他击出滚地球后没能跑上一垒,教练因此大怒。He grounded out to the shortstop.他向游击手击出滚地球而出局。He hit a grounder to the shortstop.他朝游击手击出一个滚地球。The batter hit a weak ground ball.击球手击出一记力道不足的滚地球。The shortstop misplayed the grounder. 游击手没接住滚地球。He hit a grounder that went through the hole between the first and second basemen.他打了个滚地球,从第一垒手和第二垒手间穿过。He grounded to the shortstop.他朝游击手击出一个滚地球。She flied/grounded out.击出的腾空球/滚地球被对手接住,从而导致了她的出局。The shortstop fielded the ground ball.游击手接到了那个滚地球。He hit a sharp ground ball into the hole. 他打了个滚地球到游击手和第三垒手之间。 |