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词汇 she
例句 After years of working for a big company, she decided to go it alone and set up her own business.在一家大公司工作多年之后,她决定另立门户,开办自己的公司。I tried every way I could to make the child go to bed, but she refused.我试了各种办法要孩子上床睡觉,但她都不肯。She's very picky about what brands of shoes she'll wear.她对鞋的品牌非常挑剔。She gambled everything she owned to start the business.她孤注一掷做起了这档生意。Richards says she still isn't sorry about making jokes about the president.理查兹说她仍不后悔拿总统开玩笑。It's remarkable to think of how far she's come since she started her career.想想她开始职业生涯以来取得的成就真是不同凡响。The woman upstairs shouted down at us and threatened to call the police, as she had done many times before.楼上的女人探下头呼喝我们,威胁要报警,像她以前多次干过的那样。Her car suffered from gearbox trouble, but she was still in at the finish.她的汽车变速箱出了问题,但她仍然坚持到最后。The more she spoke, the more she warmed to her subject.她对自己的话题越说越起劲。I don't know what she sees in that pasty-faced loser.我不知道她看中那个脸色苍白的失败者的哪一点。She clapped in delight when she heard the news.听到这个消息,她高兴得直拍手。It was alarming the way she got so fired up about small things.她对一些小事情也发这么大的火,真是不可思议。She was a disruptive influence, and after a year or two she got the boot.她是个捣乱分子,过了一两年就被开除了。The dowry would be enough for her old age had she not spent it irrationally.如果她没有无节制地花钱,她亡夫的遗产是够她晚年用的。Jane's lip began to tremble and I though she was going to cry.简嘴唇开始颤动,我觉得她快要哭出来了。Like many in Russia, she blamed the country's failings on futile attempts to catch up with the West.像俄罗斯很多人一样,她认为国家的错误就在于徒然地竭力追赶西方。I must confess that I didn't understand a word she said.我得承认我一点也没听懂她说的话。I get a much better shake than she does.我受的待遇比她好得多。There's no point brooding over it – she's gone.老是想这件事也没用,她都已经走了。Whenever possible, she and Flynn would go off and explore the countryside, taking a picnic with them.一有机会,她和弗林便会带着野餐食品出发到乡村考察。A low moan of despair escaped her as she realized what had gone wrong.她意识到是什么事不对劲时,不由得发出了一声绝望的低吟。When she told us her son was in prison, it was a real conversation-stopper.当她告诉我们她儿子入狱了之后,大家都停止了谈话。You can only apologize, and hope that she'll understand.你只能道歉,希望她会谅解。Her camera was smashed by soldiers when she tried to take photographs.她想拍几张照片,结果照相机被士兵砸碎了。She confessed that she stole the necklace.她承认偷了那条项链。There will be a shift of responsibility when she takes the new position.她接任新职位,职责就将会有所转变。The whole concept of democracy, she claimed, was utterly foreign to the present government.她声称,民主这一整套概念对于现任政府来说是极其陌生的。In spite of a dismal record at school, she narrowly squeaked into design school.尽管在学校的成绩很糟糕,她还是勉强进入了设计学校。He tried to fire her into joining his applause, but she wouldn't.他试图激得她跟他一起鼓掌,可她不干。I'm positive she's at home.我肯定她在家。She was still undecided as to what career she wanted to pursue.她仍旧犹豫不决,不确定自己将来想从事哪种职业。How can she survive when she has no visible means of support? 如果没有维持生计的手段,她怎么能生存呢?It is unlikely that she'll be in.她不大可能在家。Tina was shocked when she heard she was not being promoted, but it came as no surprise to the rest of us.蒂娜听说自己没有被提升很是吃惊,可是我们其他人对此并不感到意外。I was a little bit worried by what she said.她的话让我有点担心。Although she's had an extremely hard life, Tina Turner is a born survivor.蒂娜·特纳虽然生活不幸,但她似乎生来就是一个生活的强者。Alice is very free and easy when she's with her friends.爱丽丝和朋友们在一起总是无拘无束的。Her career took off after she won an Oscar for best supporting actress.她获得奥斯卡最佳女配角奖后迅速走红。We should thank Mary for the long stint she's done as party treasurer.我们要感谢玛丽长期以来为党做司库工作。She wants to protect the good reputation she enjoys among her fellows.她想要维护她在同伴中的良好声誉。




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