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词汇 sentiment
例句 Laura kept that letter out of sentiment.劳拉因无法释怀而一直保留着那封信。I think his view reflects the sentiment of a lot of fans.我想他的观点反映了许多追随者的想法。Strong nationalist sentiment is compounding the deep political problems faced by the President.强烈的民族主义情绪使总统面临的严重的政治问题更为复杂。At the moment, there appears to be little sentiment for a strike.看来眼下并没有多大罢工的情绪。We must not allow ourselves to be ruled by sentiment in this matter.在这件事情上我们不应该感情用事。Public sentiment rapidly turned anti-American.公众情绪迅速转变,开始反对美国。She likes warmth and sentiment in a movie.她喜欢影片中的温暖和柔情。His criticism of the court's decision expresses a sentiment that is shared by many people.他对法庭判决的批评表达了许多人的共同观点。She has too much sentiment to be successful.她太多愁善感,很难成功。The new movie is to be applauded for refusing to drift into mawkish sentiment.这部新片未落入无病呻吟的俗套,势必会赢得热捧。The killings helped arouse popular sentiment against the organization.杀戮激起了大众对该组织的敌对情绪。Such a move would violate the Constitution and inflame anti-foreigner sentiment.这一行动不仅违反宪法,还会激起更严重的排外情绪。Her comments were larded with phony sentiment.她的那番评论充满了虚情假意。The writer tapped into a rich vein of sentiment in the play.作者在剧中加入了大量的情感元素。I cannot help feeling a sentiment of pity.我不由得感到一丝同情。Anti-American sentiment remains high in the region.这地区的反美情绪依然很高。The people are renowned for their deep religious sentiment.这些人以笃信宗教著称。The coronation was an occasion for extravagant myth and sentiment.加冕典礼是极尽奢华和怀旧的仪式。It is a sentiment shared by millions of his countrymen.这是他的数百万同胞共享的情感。Mr. Jones was called on for a sentiment.琼斯先生应邀发表感想。Nationalist sentiment has increased in the area since the bombing.轰炸发生以来,该地区的民族主义情绪开始高涨。She is a woman of sentiment.她是一个多愁善感的女人。With the last sentiment, Arnold was in hearty agreement.阿诺德强烈赞成最后一个观点。You have to be tough to succeed in the business world. There's no room for sentiment.在商界你必须铁石心肠才能成功。绝对不能心软。There is a strong revolutionary sentiment in his country.他的国家有一种强烈的革命情怀。It's the same sentiment, though worded rather differently.还是同样的观点,只是措辞稍有不同。The film is flawed by cloying sentiment.这部电影的缺点在于过于伤感多情。Witnesses were asked to stick to the facts and leave aside all emotion and sentiment.证人被要求忠于事实,不搀杂任何的感情和情绪。They were encouraging nationalistic sentiment among the students.他们鼓励学生培养民族主义情感。Political life has been infected by growing nationalist sentiment.政治生活受到了日益高涨的民族主义情绪的影响。The mixed emotion of the masses congealed into an antiwar sentiment.群众的各种感情凝成了反战情绪。His speech was spiced with anti-government sentiment.他的讲话里掺进了反对政府的情绪。A good politician understands public sentiment. 优秀的政治家理解公众的情绪。His party had encouraged nationalist sentiment.他所属的政党煽动民族主义情绪。I would like to note my respectful disagreement with this sentiment.我想诚挚地就此观点提出不同意见。I never throw anything away, partly out of sentiment.我从不丢弃任何东西,部分原因是我有些多愁善感。Several meetings were held to determine what public sentiment was on the issue.已经召开了好几次会议以摸清公众对这一问题的意见。He's found growing sentiment for military action.他发现支持采取军事行动的情绪日益高涨。He was more in touch with public sentiment than many of his critics.比起许多批评他的人,他更了解公众的意见。The Foreign Secretary echoed this sentiment.外交大臣附和了这一想法。




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