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例句 How can you date that guy? He is just a birdbrain.你怎么跟他约会,他简直是一个白痴。You don't expect me to take part in the play, do you? I can't act to save my life.你不会指望让我来参加戏剧演出吧?要我表演简直是要我的命。His recovery is nothing short of a miracle. = His recovery is nothing short of miraculous. 他的康复简直是个奇迹。Many parents simply abdicate all responsibility for their children.许多父母对孩子简直是完全不管不顾。You're going to be a movie star? That's a laugh.你会成为电影明星?那简直是笑话。That was dishwater, not coffee.简直是洗碗水,不是咖啡。For an evening stroll the beach at Dieppe is hard to beat.傍晚散步去迪耶普的海滩简直是不二之选。He was getting very hard to live with, and that's the understatement of the year.说他很不好相处,那简直是说得太客气了。I dropped out of high school. It bored me to death.我从中学退学了,学校简直是无聊透顶。She thinks I'm crazy to leave my job.她认为我辞职简直是疯了。It would be insanity to expand the business now.现在扩大经营规模简直是疯了。Our vacation was a complete nightmare. The weather was awful and our hotel was worse.我们的度假简直是一场噩梦。天气不好,住的旅馆更糟。They're just a bunch of amateurs.他们简直是一群外行。Your room is an outright mess!你的房间简直是乱七八糟!It'd be crazy to go out in this rain.这么大的雨出去的话简直是发疯了。The way poor people are treated in this country is a positive disgrace.穷苦人民受到这样的待遇简直是这个国家的耻辱。When referees make contentious decisions players are going to be upset, and anyone who thinks otherwise is living in cloud cuckoo land.裁判作出有争议的判决时运动员心里会很不痛快,谁要是不这么认为那简直是太不现实了。The deal seems so attractive it would be ridiculous to say no.这笔交易看上去太诱人了,要是拒绝它简直是笑话。Such a remark verges on impertinence.这样的话简直是唐突无礼。Eating like that every night is sheer decadence.每天晚上那样吃东西简直是堕落。They're showing a load of crap on TV this Christmas.他们今年圣诞的电视节目简直是一堆垃圾。You've saved my life, Jim! Thank goodness you were here.吉姆,你简直是救了我!你在这里真是谢天谢地。She fairly screamed at me.简直是在对我尖叫。He behaved to the emperor as an equal.他的举止简直是同皇帝平起平坐。The article was nothing but a tissue of lies.这篇文章简直是一派胡言。It's just plain crazy to spend all your pay as soon as you get it.薪水一拿到手就花光,简直是疯了。I felt like I was just spinning my wheels trying to make him understand.我感觉想要让他明白简直是在白费力气。They are playing political games with people's safety.他们简直是拿人们的安全玩政治游戏。The state of our health service is nothing short of a scandal.我们的医疗保健服务状况简直是一种耻辱。It sounds completely crazy to me, but it's your choice.在我听来这简直是疯了,但这是你自己的选择。The Mexican government had its hands full fighting a war on three fronts.墨西哥政府要打一场三面受敌的仗简直是穷于应付了。She was trying to keep her creditors at bay by robbing Peter to pay Paul. 把本来用作课后辅导的钱拿来买午饭简直是拆东墙补西墙。This wallpaper's just made for my bedroom.这种墙纸跟我的卧室简直是绝配。It would be a foolish, not to say ruinous, step to take at this time.这个时候如此做法是愚蠢的,简直是灾难性的。The blouses are practically see-throughs.那些女衬衫简直是透明的。His asking price is simply ridiculous.简直是漫天要价。The behaviour of some politicians in debates is simply loutish and intimidating.有些政客在辩论时的行为举止简直是粗鲁无礼、咄咄逼人。I nearly bust a gut trying to get the job finished on time.为了按时完成这项工作我简直是拼命了。That woman's a real trollop. Every time I see her she's with a different man.那个女人简直是个荡妇。每次我看到她时,她身边都会换一个男人。She was playing with fire by secretly borrowing office funds.她暗中挪用公款简直是玩火。




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