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词汇 简直
例句 The handwriting of this scatterbrained fellow was totally illegible.这个没头脑的家伙写的字简直无法辨认。His attitude simply beggars belief!他的态度简直令人难以置信!I got the shock of my life when she told me she was pregnant.她告诉我说她怀孕了,我简直惊呆了。You can't imagine what a mess the house was in after the party.简直想象不到聚会之后屋内有多乱。Papers and books lay around the room in complete chaos.房间内到处堆放着报纸和书,简直乱七八糟。Her distaste for books was equalled only by her dislike of people.她讨厌看书简直就像她不喜欢与人打交道一样。And then he started to sing. Well, I didn't know where to put myself.接着他开始唱歌。唉,我简直尴尬极了。It was so exciting from the first page I couldn't put it down.这本书从一开始就引人入胜,我简直爱不释手。When I bend my arm, the pain is excruciating.我弯胳膊时疼得简直受不了。The stories she told about him are sheer/utter/complete/absolute nonsense. 她讲的关于他的故事简直/完全/纯粹/绝对是一派胡言。She was absolutely mortified to hear her son swearing at the teacher.听到儿子骂老师,她简直窘死了。The movie was so full of commercial breaks it was impossible to enjoy.这部电影里插播了这么多广告,简直没法好好欣赏。When Jock woke up and found you gone he went crazy.乔克醒来发现你走了,他简直气疯了。His remarks about gardening were hardly to the purpose.他对园艺的一席话简直文不对题。The Arsenal goalkeeper had a mare in the first half.阿森纳队的守门员在上半场简直就像做了场噩梦。I could hardly believe it when he told me about the goings-on in his office.他告诉我他办公室里发生的那些事情,我简直不敢相信。I could hardly believe it when she actually apologized to me.她居然向我道歉了,我简直难以相信。After the quietness of home and school, university had been almost frightening.过惯了家庭和中学的平静生活之后,大学简直有些可怕了。The food at that restaurant is complete rubbish.那家餐馆的饭菜简直没法吃。I didn't!' sobbed Cathy fit to break her heart.我没有!” 凯蒂抽泣着,简直伤心透了。If you travel by jet plane, Tokyo and Shanghai are virtually neighbours.倘若乘坐喷气机旅行,东京和上海简直可算是邻居。You're all behaving like a bunch of animals.你们的行为简直和一群畜生没什么两样。Dad was really mad at me when he found out where I'd been.爸爸知道我去了哪儿后,他简直气疯了。The offstage music was scarcely audible at first.开始时,幕后的音乐简直听不见。I can't get over how much she eats - why doesn't she gain any weight?简直不敢相信她能吃那么多—她怎么就不长胖呢?I barely recognized you with your hair cut short.你头发剪短了,我简直认不出来了。It would have been unthinkable for the grandmother of Europe to have a title inferior to that held by her own daughter.对于一位在欧洲德高望重的老妇人而言,她的头衔低于其女儿简直不可思议。Getting money out of him is like getting blood from a stone.从他那里要钱简直像从石头里榨血一样难。I just wanted to curl up and die when I spilled coffee on their new carpet!当我把咖啡洒在他们崭新的地毯上时,我简直羞愧难当!The friction of the sheets against his skin was torture…被单摩擦着他的皮肤,简直像是酷刑。You look splendid in that outfit.你穿那一身衣服简直棒极了。He does a brilliant send-up of Bill Clinton.他对比尔·克林顿的讽刺性模仿简直惟妙惟肖。The audacity of his offer quite flabbergasts me.他厚颜无耻的提议简直使我目瞪口呆。I can scarcely believe it.简直难以相信。The stupidity of that remark is almost past belief.那番评论简直愚蠢到让人无法相信。The driver couldn't see either. Besides, the roads are nearly impassable.刚才司机也看不清楚。而且这些路简直无法通行。I was sickened and shocked beyond description.我既厌恶又震惊,简直难以用言语来形容。The idiocy of that plan was obvious.那计划简直愚不可及。By the end of the race I was completely spent. 比赛结束时,我简直精疲力竭了。I remember the ecstasy of opening the letter and finding that I'd passed my exam.我记得我打开信得知通过了考试的时候,简直欣喜若狂。




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