例句 |
My name is Alexander, Al for short.我叫亚历山大, 简称亚尔。My name is Benjamin, or Ben for short.我叫本杰明,简称本。My name is Alexander, "Al" for short.我叫亚历山大,简称艾尔。I'm using the term as a shorthand for any religious group.我用这个术语作为所有宗教团体的简称。His name's Lawrence, but it's usually shortened to Larry.他的名字是劳伦斯,但是一般简称拉里。He's actually called Jeremy, but everyone who knows him calls him Jem for short.他其实叫杰里米,但认识他的人都叫他杰姆,那是他的简称。 |