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词汇 bed in
例句 Hospitals always seem so impersonal - rows of identical beds in dull grey rooms.医院看上去总是很没有人情味——灰暗的房间中都是一排排一模一样的病床。Do you have futon beds in stock or will I have to order one?日式蒲团垫你们有现货还是需要预订?She had made up the beds in preparation for their visit.她已经铺好了床,为他们的来访做准备。I can't drag her out of bed in the morning.早上我怎么生拉硬拽她都不起床。Her mother made up a bed in her old room.她母亲在她曾经住过的房间里铺好了一张床。I've seen what he looks like when he gets out of bed in the morning, and believe me, it's not a pretty sight.我见过他早上起床的样子,相信我,那可不怎么好看。I love being in a warm bed in a cold room.冷飕飕的房间里,我喜欢留在温暖的床上。The apartments have one or two separate bedrooms and a convertible bed in the living area.这些公寓都有一到两间独立卧室,客厅里有两用沙发床。You'll have to sleep on a folding bed in the living room.你只好睡在起居室内的折叠床上了。As my eyes became used to the darkness I could make out a bed in the corner of the room.当我的眼睛适应了黑暗时,我看到房间的角落里有一张床。He sat cross-legged on the bed in a practised way as if he did regular yoga.他坐在床上,老练地盘起腿,看起来好像他平时经常做瑜伽。Pale, thin girls slept two to a bed in tightly packed dormitories.面色苍白、骨瘦如柴的女孩子们睡在拥挤的寝室里,两个人一张床。I returned to my bed in the recovery area.我回到了我在康复区的床位处。Something was going on around a bed in the centre of the ward, but it had been curtained off from prying eyes.病房中央的病床周围有事发生,但是一条布帘挡住了众人窥探的眼睛。People are sprawled on makeshift beds in the cafeteria.人们在自助餐厅临时搭建的床上伸开四肢懒散地躺着。The child dreads going to bed in the dark.这孩子不敢在黑暗中去睡觉。There is only one bed in the room, so one of them has to improvise on the carpet.房间里只有一张床,所以他们中得有一人必须凑合睡在地毯上。There are two beds in the hotel room.酒店的房间里有两张床。He was kneeling by his bed in an attitude of devotion.他虔诚地跪在床边。I'm not a pretty sight when I get out of bed in the morning.早上起床时我的样子怪难看。He finally fell exhausted into bed in the small hours.凌晨时分他终于筋疲力尽上床睡觉了。The travellers wanted to bed in the best hotels.旅游者想住最好的旅馆。I'll make up the bed in your old room.我会把你原来房间的床铺整理好。Put the spare bed in here - it will be a tight squeeze but it's only temporary.把备用床放这儿,地方很挤,但这只是暂时的。




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