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词汇 rise to the challenge
例句 They could be expected to rise to the challenge of risk.可以指望他们会奋起应付危险局面。Naylor was one of those men who rise to the challenge of danger.内勒是那种敢于挺身挑战危险的人。The coach is confident that you will rise to the challenge. 教练坚信你将战胜挑战。He could be expected to rise to the challenge of risk.可以指望他会奋起应付危险局面。She felt compelled to rise to the challenge.她感觉自己不得不应对这一挑战。It's not an easy task, but I'm sure John will rise to the challenge.这不是件容易的事,但我确信约翰能应付这个挑战。The new Germany must rise to the challenge of its enhanced responsibilities.一个崭新的德国必须迎接挑战,承担更多的责任。




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