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词汇 riding
例句 He feels that he is riding the wave of the future.他感到他正顺潮流而动。She was going too fast so I decided to keep riding at my own pace.她骑得太快了,所以我决定按自己的速度骑。She's riding high after her recent win.她最近比赛胜利后开始得意扬扬了。She is riding high at the moment.眼下正是她春风得意之时。I feel as though my whole future is riding on this interview.我觉得似乎我的整个前途取决于这次面试。The new president is riding (on) a wave of popularity.新总统深得人心,大获其益。Their expensive riding jackets were covered in mud.他们昂贵的骑马服上全是烂泥。She decided to hang up her running shoes and to start riding her bike instead.她决定不再跑步,转而开始骑自行车。I saw a crescent moon riding in an empty sky.我看见一弯新月悬浮在寥廓的天空。There is a lot of money riding on the outcome of the race.有大笔资金赌这场比赛的结果。At my grandparents’ we would take turns riding on a swing made out of an old tire.在爷爷奶奶家,我们轮流坐一只用旧轮胎做的秋千。Her hobbies are horse riding and running.她的爱好是骑马和跑步。Your boss is riding you much too hard at the moment.你的老板现在把你管得太严了。It was strange to ride in a saddle after riding bareback for so many years.骑光背马这么多年后,再骑配了鞍的马感觉怪怪的。The photo shows a surfer riding inside the barrel of a wave.照片里,一个冲浪运动员正在钻浪管。He sweated his horse by riding him too hard.他拼命策马前行,马都出汗了。For Amelia, a high point of the trip was riding with her father on a Ferris wheel.对阿梅莉娅来说,这次旅行最令人难忘的是和爸爸一起乘坐摩天轮。The next morning we went riding again.第二天早上,我们又去骑马了。They accused him of riding on the coat-tails of the president.他们指责他是沾了总统的光。Horses used for long-distance riding tend to wear their shoes out more quickly.用于长途跋涉的马更容易磨破铁掌。She injured her spine in a riding accident.她在一次坠马事故中脊柱受伤。Do you enjoy horseback riding? 你喜欢骑马吗?Our hopes are riding on you.我们的希望全都寄托在你身上了。We took off our riding gear.我们脱下了骑装。The area is well suited to road cycling as well as off-road riding.这个地方很适合举行自行车公路赛和越野赛。He prefers travelling on the Tube to riding in a limousine.他更愿意乘地铁出行,不愿坐豪华轿车。We seem to have been riding on the crest of a wave since the election.自选举以来我们就好像一直很走运。When you're riding in a car, you should always belt up for safety.为了安全起见,乘坐小汽车时应系好安全带。She had a kicker for her first riding lesson.她第一次学骑马就遇上了匹爱踢的马。Nothing can compare with the exhilaration of riding a motorcycle as fast as you can.飙摩托车那种刺激的感觉是无可比拟的。He likes bareback riding.他喜欢骑无鞍马。She took a bad fall while out riding.她外出骑马时重重摔了一跤。Automakers are now riding the crest of a sales surge.汽车制造商目前正处在销售鼎盛时期。You'll do yourself an injury riding that old bike.骑那辆旧自行车会伤到你自己的。Suede are once again riding high in the hit parade with their new single.山羊皮乐队的新单曲又一次在流行歌曲排行榜上名列前茅。Guests can enjoy plenty of activities, like swimming, surfing, and horse-riding.客人可以享受很多活动,如游泳、冲浪和骑马。He is riding the crest of a wave of popularity.他正处于声望的最高点。I was riding on the back of a friend's bicycle.我当时坐在一个朋友的自行车后座上。In children's books, witches are often shown riding broomsticks.儿童读物中,巫婆常常是骑着扫帚现身的。Horseback riding helped the weary statesman shed his tensions.骑马有助于使疲惫的政治家消除紧张。




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