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词汇 overworked
例句 You've overworked that excuse.那个借口你已经用滥了。Teachers often complain that they are overworked and underpaid.教师常抱怨工作量大、报酬低。She overworked the painting.她把这幅画画得太精细了。I'd been six months without any holiday, and I was tired and overworked.我已经六个月没休过一天假了,劳累过度。The servants were overworked and underfed.佣人们劳累过度,食不果腹。Because Henry hated to delegate, he was always overworked.由于亨利不喜欢授权下属办事,所以他自己总是劳累过度。We're all overworked and underpaid.我们全都超时工作,但薪水却很低。The overworked, overextended parent may be seen as unloving, but may simply be exhausted.工作压身、忙得焦头烂额的家长可能会被视作对孩子缺乏关爱,但他们也许只是太疲惫了。They're overworked and understaffed.他们工作繁重,人手短缺。Staff complained that they were being overworked.员工们抱怨说他们劳累过度。Any mention of overworked teachers gets short shrift from him.他对老师们劳累过度的说法总是置若罔闻。She's overworked that particular excuse.那个借口她用的次数太多了。I overworked my quads at the gym.我在健身房里过度锻炼了四头肌。We're overworked and underpaid.我们工作繁重,报酬却少得可怜。He passed round a hat asking for a generous bung for the overworked bartender.他传帽子,为辛勤的酒吧招待筹集一笔慷慨的小费。He says that he's overworked and underpaid.他说他工作过重,所得的报酬太低。The captain routinely overworked the crew.船长经常让船员们过度劳累。She always looks tired and overworked.她总是一副疲惫不堪、劳累过度的样子。The article was full of overworked expressions.这篇文章里充斥着陈词滥调。The hospital's main concern is that doctors are overworked.这家医院主要关切的是医生工作负荷大。




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