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词汇 owe
例句 The Brilliantons paid their rent on time and did not owe him a penny.布里连顿一家按时交租金,分文也不欠他的。You owe yourself a holiday.你应该给自己安排个假期。I owe the bank a lot of money.我欠银行很多钱。I owe you a buck.我欠你一美元。How much do we owe you for the milk?我们欠你多少买牛奶的钱?I owe the landlord one hundred dollars./I owe one hundred dollars to the landlord.我欠房东一百美元。You don't owe me any money. If anything, the reverse is true. 你不欠我什么钱。要说欠钱,也是我欠你的。I am glad to be able to use this opportunity to pay the debt of gratitude that we owe to our benefactors.我很高兴能借此机会向我们的捐助者表示感谢。I can never repay the debt I owe him.我永远还不清欠他的人情。Neither he nor Melanie owe me any explanation.他和梅拉妮都不需要对我作任何解释。As a professional composer I owe much to Radio 3.作为一名职业作曲家,我十分感激第三电台。I still owe money on the car. 我还没还清买车的借款。They owe lots of people money.他们欠很多人钱。We owe thanks to our estimable colleague.我们要感谢那位令人钦佩的同事。I owe you a drink/favor.我该请你喝一杯/欠你一个人情。My agent has instructed me that you still owe me $150.我的代理人告诉我你还欠我一百五十美元。We do owe them, so it's difficult for us to say no.我们确实欠他们的人情,所以很难对他们说不。Don't I owe money to you? = Don't I owe you money?我不欠你钱吧?I owe a debt of thanks to Joyce.我应该对乔伊斯表示感谢。We owe it to the veterans to build a memorial. 我们应该为老兵们建一座纪念碑。You need to organize your financial records and figure out exactly how much money you owe.你需要整理一下财务记录,算算具体欠了多少钱。We owe them a debt of gratitude for all the help they've given us.对他们给予的所有帮助,我们感激不尽。We owe no income tax.我们不欠所得税。At last it's come home to me how much I owe to my parents.我终于懂得父母给我的恩惠是多么大。I owe them a debt that cannot easily be repaid.我欠他们一笔钱,不容易偿还。Give me a minute to figure up how much you owe me.给我一分钟时间合计一下你欠我多少钱。While we're on the subject of money, do you have that $10 you owe me?既然我们谈到钱的问题,那你欠我的十美元能还给我吗?I wish you'd pony up the money you owe.我希望你将欠的钱付清。Catholic churches owe their allegiance to the Pope.天主教会效忠于教皇。I'm sure they owe me more money than that - I'll have to sit down and figure it out.我肯定他们欠我的钱不止这些—我得坐下来算一算。We owe to Newton the principle of gravitation.我们全靠牛顿才知道引力的原理。After the way she's treated him, he doesn't owe her anything.她那样对待他以后,他不欠她任何东西了。Customers who owe money are slow to pay up.欠钱的顾客往往迟迟才还清。You owe yourself a subscription.你该给自己订阅一份。Here's the money I owe you. Now we're even. 这是我还你的钱。现在我们两清了。The proposal is to pay everything you owe, so that you can start with a clean slate.建议你还清所有的债务,这样你就能够重新开始了。We owe a great debt of gratitude to those who went before us.我们对前人满怀感激。I give you my word of honour I will not forget what I owe you.我以名誉担保,我欠你的我都会铭记在心。I owe a great deal to my publishers, who helped me to finish writing the book.我很感激我的出版商帮助我写完了这本书。I can't go. I owe it to him to stay.我不能走。看在他的分上我也该留下来。




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