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词汇 batter
例句 Spoon the batter into the prepared pan, smoothing over the top with a spatula.将面糊舀入备好的平底锅中,用刮铲将表面抹平。He would have to batter the door down.他将不得不把门砸开。The pitcher walked the first batter.投手使第一位击球手保送上垒。Carefully mix the flour into the batter.仔细将面粉搅入面糊中。Dip the fish in batter and fry it in hot oil.将鱼在面糊里浸一下,然后在热油里炸。The book on that batter was that he couldn't hit a curve ball.对付那名击球手就要了解他不会击曲线球的特点。Spear a piece of fish with a carving fork and dip it in the batter.用切肉叉叉一片鱼肉,在面糊里蘸一下。The pitch tailed away from the batter.投出的球绕过击球手飞走了。Don't stick your fingers in the cookie batter!别把你的手指伸到饼干糊里!Dip the fish in a batter of flour, milk, and eggs.把鱼在由面粉、牛奶和鸡蛋调成的面糊里蘸一下。The batter struck out on a change of pace.一个变速球使击球手三击未中出局。The batter popped out. 击球手打出的小腾空球被对方接住,他因此出局。It is unusual for a golfer to batter one of the marshals with his putter.高尔夫球员用推杆殴打比赛组织人员实属罕见。The batter tried to stare down the pitcher.击球手使劲盯着投手看,使其不敢正视。The batter was fooled completely by the break on the pitch.击球手完全被投出的球的曲线飞行迷惑了。I started mixing the batter for the pancakes.我开始和摊煎饼的面糊。Suzuki hobbled around for about a minute before getting back in the batter's box.铃木一瘸一拐走了大约一分钟才回到击球区。The little girl stuck her fingers in the batter.小女孩把手指插进面糊里。The batter struck out on a changeup.一个变速球使击球手三击未中出局。The batter hit a screamer right at the shortstop.击球手迅速将球击向游击手。Jackson became the first batter since Babe Ruth to hit three successive home runs in a single game.杰克逊成了贝布·鲁思之后第一个在同一场比赛里连续三次击出本垒打的击球手。The shrimp are dipped in batter and then fried.将虾蘸上面糊,然后下锅油炸。The batter hit a titanic home run.击球手打出了个极重要的本垒打。The batter hit a weak ground ball.击球手击出一记力道不足的滚地球。The batter rises as it bakes.面糊在烤的过程中会发起来。The batter is squirted into round molds, then baked.面糊喷到圆形模具里,然后烘烤。He's a good fielder but a poor batter. 他是个出色的外野手,但却是糟糕的击球手。The batter fanned on a curveball.一个曲线球使击球手三击未中出局。To make the batter, sieve the flour and salt into a bowl.做面粉糊需要把面粉和盐筛到一个碗里。She tipped the batter into a large bowl.她把面糊倒进一个大碗。The batter mistimed his swing.击球手选择了错误的时间挥棒。The pitcher blew a fastball by/past the batter.投手投了个快球,从击球手身边擦过。The batter whiffed twice during the game.那场比赛中,这名击球手两次三击不中出局。The batter trotted around the bases after hitting a home run.击球手击出本垒打后绕垒慢跑。The batter looped a single to left field.击球手击出一记左外野弧线一垒安打。The batter struck out on a straight change.一个直线变化球使击球手三击未中出局。She's a right-handed/left-handed batter.她是个惯用右手/左手的击球手。The batter skied to the center fielder.击球员向中场手击出高球。He tried to batter down the door by kicking it. 他试图把门踹开。The coach signalled the batter to take the next pitch.教练示意击球员放过下一个球不打。




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