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词汇 owned
例句 The radio is legitimately owned by the company.该电台为这家公司所合法拥有。To try to open a foreign-owned business is to enter a thicket of regulations from which few emerge.要开一家外资企业就要钻条条框框,没几个出来的。The house is partly owned by her father.她父亲拥有这幢房子的部分产权。The site abuts property owned by the local council.该地址与一处属于当地议会的地产相邻。Under socialism, many companies would be owned by the workers and would function as a cooperative.在社会主义制度下,许多公司可能是由工人所有,运转起来有些合作社的味道。Every store is independently owned and operated.每家商店都是自有自营的。They sell quality pre-owned cars.他们销售二手好车。No other European country had so few privately owned businesses.再没有哪个欧洲国家有如此之少的私有企业。The painting is now owned outright by the museum.这幅画现在完全归博物馆所有。She gambled everything she owned to start the business.她孤注一掷做起了这档生意。That bar on Milton Street, which by the way is very nice, is owned by Trevor's brother.米尔顿大街上的那家酒吧,顺便提一句那里非常棒,是特雷弗的哥哥开的。The car is pre-owned.这是辆二手车。I've never owned a gun in my life.我这辈子没拥有过枪。He owned a palatial estate in California.他在加利福尼亚有一处宏伟的庄园。The company is a state-owned monopoly.该公司是一个国有的垄断企业。State-owned industries will always perform poorly.国有企业业绩总是欠佳。She owned a boarding house on the west coast.她在西海岸拥有一家家庭旅馆。He was, she said, a heartless scoundrel who had stripped her of everything she owned.她说,他是个狠心的无赖,夺走了属于她的一切。As tempers rose, he spoke out strongly against some of the radical ideas for selling off state-owned property.他火气越来越大,公开对出售国有资产的一些激进观点表示强烈反对。Investors were invited to buy into state-owned enterprises.投资者获邀购买国有企业的股份。The city was built in the days before sanitation, and no house owned a latrine.建这座城市时还没有排污设施,所以家家户户都无厕所。Everything I owned has gone up the spout.我所有的财产全完了。The same provisions apply to foreign-owned companies.同样的规定适用于外资公司。The Locomotive Construction Company Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Trust.机车建筑有限公司是该托拉斯的全资子公司。I owned a bookshop and desired to expand the business.我开了一家书店,希望能扩大业务。This sculpture was originally one of a pair owned by the King of France.这是原为法国国王所拥有的一对雕塑中的一尊。The government was forced to sell state-owned companies to fund the budget deficit.政府被迫出售国有企业以弥补预算赤字。She owned thousands of dollars in dot-com stock.她持有数千美元的网络公司股票。These big stores have squeezed out a lot of the smaller locally owned shops.这些大百货商店已经挤走了很多当地的小型商店。They owned the old man to be their master.他们承认那老人是他们的主人。Most local radio stations are privately-owned.大多数地方电台为私人所有。Under collectivism, the means of production are owned and controlled by the state or the people as a whole.在集体主义制度下,生产工具由国家或全民拥有和支配。The two boys owned the boat jointly.这两个男孩共同拥有那条船。Julie's father owned a pub.朱莉的父亲拥有一家酒馆。In National Parks, although the land is privately owned, there are strict controls on the use of the land.国家公园的土地虽为私人所有,但是用地有严格的限制。The government was determined to reduce the number of state-owned industries.政府下决心要减少国有企业的数量。I made a few mistakes, but I owned up to them.我犯了几个错误,但是我承认了。The business is jointly owned and run by six TV companies.这家公司由六家电视公司共同拥有和管理。The museum is privately owned.这个博物馆归私人所有。She just sashayed in as if she owned the place.她就那么大模大样地走进来,好像她是这地方的主人。




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