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词汇 occurrence
例句 The occurrence of the disease is apparently related to standards of hygiene.这种病的发生率显然与卫生状况相关。It seems to be almost a regular occurrence in life.看来这几乎已成为生活中的常规。The pause in speech is by no means of random occurrence.言谈中的停顿决不是随机发生的。The food queues have become a daily occurrence across the country.排队购买食品的长龙已成了全国各地每日可见的景象。Flooding in the area is a common occurrence.该地区经常洪水泛滥。Earthquakes are an unusual occurrence in England but are not totally unknown.在英格兰,地震很少发生,但也并非完全未发生过。The frequent occurrence of earthquakes in the area means that the buildings must be specially designed to withstand the force.这一地区频繁发生的地震意味着建筑物必须经过特别设计,以抵抗地震波的冲力。Laughter was a rare occurrence in his classroom.他的课堂上难得有笑声。This is a not unusual occurrence.这种事并不少见。Vicious fights and arguments were a daily occurrence in the shipyards.船厂里每天都发生恶性的斗殴和激烈的争吵。A cancel of an order is a rare occurrence.撤销定货单是少有的事。These mild fits are quite a common occurrence in babies.这种轻微的病症在婴儿中很常见。His visits became a regular occurrence.他的拜访成了家常便饭。I can assure you that cheating is not a regular occurrence at this school.我可以向你保证,考试作弊在本校不常发生。The occurrence of theft in the locker room has stopped.更衣室没再发生过盗窃事件。Getting headaches has become a common/frequent/everyday occurrence for her.头疼已成了她的家常便饭。For months at a time, air raids were a nightly occurrence.一度有几个月,每天晚上都会发生空袭。She said this kind of occurrence is common, and she quoted several instances of almost identical behavior.她说这种情况很常见,还举出了好几个行为几乎完全相同的事例。This wasn't an isolated occurrence — other members of our group were treated similarly.这并不是孤立的事件,我们组的其他成员也受到类似的对待。Scraps in the playground are a pretty frequent occurrence.操场上发生打架是很常见的事。Lightning is a natural occurrence.闪电是一种自然现象。Seeing wildlife is a regular occurrence where she lives.在她生活的地方经常能看到野生动物。Raids are almost a nightly occurrence at this club.这家俱乐部几乎每天晚上都要被突击检查。The study compares the occurrence of heart disease in various countries.该项研究比较了不同国家心脏病的发病率。We were trying to prevent the occurrence of further problems. 我们在努力防止出现更多的问题。Here violence is an everyday occurrence.在这里暴力是家常便饭。Some trees are solitary or sporadic in occurrence.有些树木是单生或零星生长的。The occurrence of the disease is low. 这种疾病不常发生。Complaints seemed to be an everyday occurrence.似乎每天都有投诉。An eclipse is an unusual occurrence.蚀是不常见的事情。It's still not possible to accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes.现在仍无法准确预报地震的发生。A death in the family is a sorrowful occurrence.家里有人去世是件令人悲痛的事。Problems with the network have become a not infrequent occurrence. 网络问题已经成为频发事件。Air raids were a nightly occurrence.每晚都有空袭。




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