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例句 He occupies a prominent position in the rogues' gallery of the financial world.在金融界那帮臭名昭著的家伙中,他是数一数二的人物。The club occupies the land under a protected tenancy.这个俱乐部以受保护的租赁方式占用这块地。The school occupies split-site accommodation on the main campus.该学院分散在主校区不同地点。She occupies a unique place in American literature.她在美国文学中占有独特的地位。Mr. Oliver occupies an important position in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.奥利佛先生在外交部充任要职。The first episode occupies a peak evening viewing slot.第一集占据了傍晚的一个黄金收视时段。The building occupies a prominent position in Greenhill Road.这幢楼在格林希尔街的位置十分显眼。Football occupies most of my leisure time.足球占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。His work occupies him for the whole day.工作使他忙了一整天。The department occupies an office just a mile from the White House.该部门就在离白宫一英里远的地方有一幢办公楼。Reading occupies most of my free time.阅读占去了我空闲时间的大部分。The Turner exhibition occupies all the galleries on the first floor.特纳展览占用了二楼的所有陈列室。The house occupies a commanding position at the top of the valley.这所房子位于山谷顶上一个居高临下的位置。She now occupies the highest position in the country's government.她现在在这个国家政府中坐头把交椅。I'm no longer allowed to smoke in any room which he currently occupies.我不再被允许在他所在的任何一间屋子里吸烟。A happy family occupies the foreground of the painting.这幅画的前景是一个幸福的家庭。He occupies a prominent place among the great musicians of our time.他在我们这个时代的伟大音乐家中地位卓越。The vase she gave me occupies the place of honor in my living room.她送我的花瓶放在我的起居室最尊荣的位置。The fool, jester or clown occupies the humblest place in the court.弄臣或小丑在宫廷中地位最低下。The hotel occupies an entire block.这家酒店占据了整个街区。Studying occupies nearly all of my time on the weekends. 学习几乎占用了我周末的全部时间。That family trip occupies a special place in my memory.那次家庭旅行在我的记忆中占有着特殊的位置。The company occupies a bright, modern office building in the heart of the city.这家公司在市中心有一幢朝气蓬勃的现代化办公大楼。He occupies the house without paying any rent.他住在这幢房子里,没有付一分钱房租。Their house occupies a beautiful spot next to the ocean.他们的房子在海边一个美丽的地方。The kitchen occupies the lower storey.厨房在下面一层。He occupies a place in the pantheon of great American writers. 他在美国优秀作家当中占有一席之地。




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