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例句 When hay fever first occurs, it is often mistaken for a summer cold.花粉病发病初期常被误认为是风热感冒。You can brainstorm by yourself. Write down everything that occurs to you.你可以自己设想各种解决问题的办法,把你想到的一一写下来。If the force majeure occurs after one party has delayed in performance, the liability may not be exempted.当事人迟延履行后发生不可抗力的,不能免除责任。Postural syncope occurs when the body cannot supply enough blood to the brain in the upright position because of low blood pressure.直立时因血压过低导致大脑供血不足时会出现直立性晕厥。Loss of hearing often occurs in old age.失聪是老年时经常发生的事。Petroleum occurs in natural deposits beneath the surface of the earth.石油出现在地表下面的天然沉积物中。This word occurs in casual/common/popular usage.这个词出现在非正式/常用/流行用法中。The trough in consumption of electricity occurs at night.夜间是电力消耗的低谷期。The cry occurs when air is brought into contact with the baby's larynx.婴儿的喉咙接触到空气时,就会哭出来。The most effective learning occurs when the child is allowed to play a more active role in the learning process.当孩子能更积极地参与到学习过程中去时,学习才最有效。It never occurs to them to question the doctor's decisions.他们从未想过要怀疑医生的决定。The phrase occurs often in the Koran.这句话经常出现在《古兰经》里。The best sequence in the film occurs when Roth stops at a house he used to live in.电影中最棒的一组镜头出现于罗思在他曾住过的一幢屋子前驻足时。The disease occurs chiefly in children.这种病主要发生在孩子身上。Ulnar wrist pain occurs especially during twisting movements.尺侧腕部疼痛尤其会在手腕扭动时发生。If a crime occurs then there is, ipso facto, a guilty party.如果发生了犯罪事件,那么根据该事实,肯定有一方有罪。Hypospadias occurs in about one in 300 baby boys.每三百名新生男孩中,就有一个会患有尿道下裂。A hat trick occurs when a player scores three goals in a single match.帽子戏法是指一个球员在一场比赛中打进三个进球。The phenomenon occurs in the early stages of pregnancy.这种现象出现在怀孕早期。The regularity with which this occurs suggests that the process is genetically determined.这种现象出现的规律性表明这个过程是由基因决定的。The system notifies the authorities when a security breach occurs.破坏安全的行为发生时,该系统就会通知当局。Every now and then an event occurs that changes public attitudes.时不时地就会有改变公众态度的事件发生。This type of problem still occurs, but less than it did in the past.这类问题依然出现,但比过去少了。According to this view, economic growth occurs in protracted spurts.根据这种观点,经济是以持续急剧的方式增长的。Colle's fracture often occurs when someone falls with a hand outstretched.科利斯骨折通常发生在跌倒时一只手伸出的情形下。At least one supernova occurs per decade in our galaxy.银河系每十年至少有一颗超新星出现。If this cut in resources occurs, it could severely damage a social fabric that is already stretched to the breaking point.如果资源像这样减少的话,会对本已不堪重负的社会结构造成严重影响。When heavy atoms are split in this way some loss of mass occurs.当重原子这样被分裂的时候,就会发生质量的减少。We want action before a fatality occurs.我们希望在出现意外死亡之前采取行动。The possibility that he might be wrong never occurs to him.他压根儿没想到自己可能会错。Cutaneous anthrax occurs when anthrax touches a cut or scrape on the skin.皮肤炭疽病的发生是因为炭疽接触到了皮肤上的割伤或擦伤。This small tree also occurs in central and southern India.这种小树在印度的中部和南部也有。Homicide that occurs during the course of an attempted kidnapping is a capital crime in some states.在有些州绑架未遂而杀人是死罪。Testosterone is a hormone that occurs naturally in the human body.睾丸激素是人体内自然产生的一种激素。We learned what to do in those all-important few minutes after an accident occurs.我们知道在事故发生后至关重要的几分钟内需要做些什么事情。In the event that a fire occurs go to the nearest exit.假如火灾发生了,到最近的出口。The disease occurs mainly in children, but can also occur in adults.这种疾病主要发生在儿童身上,但也会发生在大人身上。Change occurs at a glacial pace.变化发生的速度非常缓慢。Lunar eclipse occurs when the earth's shadow falls on the moon.地球的影子落在月球上时,就发生月蚀。Most dreaming occurs during REM sleep.大多数做梦现象发生在快速眼动睡眠期间。




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