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例句 Premature beats that occur in the atria are called premature atrial contractions.出现在前房的期外搏动被称为早发性心房收缩。Like many people in the community, we sat out the storm at home, hoping no disasters would occur.与社区里的许多人一样,我们在家里等待暴风雨过去,希望不会发生灾害。Racism and sexism occur in all institutions.种族歧视和性别歧视在所有制度中都存在。We hope this won't occur again.我们希望别再发生这样的事。Nitrates are chemicals that occur naturally in water.硝酸盐是水里天然存在的化学物质。Most aircraft accidents occur at either take-off or landing.多数的空难事故不是发生在起飞的时候就是发生在降落的时候。The great majority of accidents in the Alps occur while climbers are coming down.阿尔卑斯山上的绝大部分意外事故都发生在登山者下山时。The fits usually occur at night.这种病一般在晚上发作。Dryness at the roots can occur very easily specially when plants are grown in containers.根部很容易干枯,特别是当植株被种养在盆中时。No one was ready for what was about to occur.对将要发生的事谁也没有准备好。Keep a pad handy to jot down queries as they occur.手边放一本便笺簿,以便有问题时随时记下。Similar species of fish occur in Mongolia.相似的鱼类物种在蒙古出现。Unless you respect other people's religions, horrible mistakes and conflict will occur.如果不尊重别人的宗教信仰,就会祷下大错,酿成冲突。Drivers have to be on their guard, as faults or signal failures can occur at any time.驾驶员一定要提高警惕,因为故障或交通信号灯失灵随时都会发生。Cell divisions during development occur in a fixed sequence.发育期间的细胞分裂以固定顺序进行。It avoided so many of the occasions for awkwardness that seemed to occur when they were face to face.这避免了很多让他们面对面的场合,免去了尴尬。Long delays in obtaining passports and visas often occur.经过长时间的耽搁才拿到护照和签证的事经常发生。Such events occur only when the external conditions are favorable.这种事情只有在外部条件有利时才会发生。Irregularities occur when there is no central control.缺乏中央控制就会出现违规行为。It didn't occur to him that she would refuse his invitation.他没有想到她会拒绝他的邀请。Cases of child cruelty occur more often than they are observed.虐待儿童的事例实际发生的比看到的要多。Serious haemorrhage may occur at any time throughout pregnancy.怀孕的任何阶段都可能出现严重出血。Many suicides occur in prisons.监狱中的自杀事件很多。According to the report, most accidents occur when young children are left unattended in the home.根据报告,大多数事故发生在孩子被独自留在家里的时候。Our main/primary/principal concern is to assure that these problems do not occur again.我们主要关心的是确保不再出现这些问题。They expect bonding to occur naturally.他们希望能够建立自然的关系。Did it ever occur to you that maybe you were wrong?你可曾想到也许是你错了吗?It's more than likely that this problem will occur again.这个问题很有可能还会出现。If side effects occur, discontinue use.如果产生副作用就停止使用。The thought did occur to me.我确实冒出了这个念头。Some illnesses occur more frequently following puberty.有些疾病在青春期以后发作更加频繁。Earthquakes occur frequently in this area.这一地区经常发生地震。Chromium and nickel occur commonly in areas which are also rich in magnesium.铬和镍通常存在于镁也很丰富的地区。High levels of nitrate occur in eastern England because of the heavy use of fertilizers.英格兰东部因大量使用化肥导致土壤硝酸盐浓度过高。Mistakes can occur, even in the most carefully controlled situations.甚至在最小心控制的情况下仍有可能出错。Most acetabular fractures occur in motor vehicle accidents or high-velocity falls.大多数髋臼骨折的情况是由于机动车事故或高速跌倒引起的。The report shows the intersections at which accidents are most likely to occur.报告展示了最可能发生事故的十字路口。These events occur cyclically.这些事是周期性出现的。Problems only occur when this attitude is taken to extremes.只有当这种态度走向极端时,问题才会出现。These snails do not occur on low-lying coral islands or atolls.在地势低平的珊瑚岛或环礁上没有这种螺。




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