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词汇 occurred
例句 The coach's latest blowup occurred when one of his players arrived late.教练上次大发雷霆是其中一名队员迟到的时候。Major economic changes have occurred recently.最近发生了一些重大经济变化。It never occurred to me to ask.我从没想到要去问一问。The day's observances occurred in the shadow of possible war against Iraq.那一天的庆祝活动在可能爆发伊拉克战争的阴影中进行。An instant later the explosion occurred.一会儿之后,爆炸就发生了。I wore the ring constantly until my fingers and my ideals outgrew it, which conveniently occurred at about the same time.我之前一直都戴着这枚戒指,后来手指变粗戴不下了,刚好这时我也已经不太喜欢它了。It occurred to me to visit my teacher.我想到要去看看我的老师。The thought of giving up never occurred to me.我从未想过要放弃。When the invasion occurred he ruled as a puppet of the occupiers.外敌入侵时,他作为占领者的傀儡行使统治。It's never occurred to me that the intended victim of the fire was Margaret.我从未想过这把火竟然是冲玛格丽特放的。It had never occurred to him that he might be falling in love with her.他从未想到自己可能会爱上她。It never occurred to him that she might not desire him.他从没有想过她可能不想跟他上床。There will never again be the traumatic gyrations such as occurred in the radical era.不会再有激进时代的那种创痛至巨的大变动。Employees were asked to keep a detailed record of any accidents that occurred in the workplace.工作场所不管发生什么意外情况,他们都要求员工作好详细的记录。An error occurred in the processing of your application.处理你的申请的过程中出现了失误。The large number of moderate earthquakes that have occurred recently could presage a larger quake soon.最近多次发生中等强度的地震预示着可能很快就会发生更强烈的地震。The first recorded case of the disease occurred two years ago.这种疾病第一个有记载的案例发生在两年前。The agglutinate substance occurred because you left the two chemicals under the heat too long.因为你使这两种化学品受热太久,所以产生了凝集物质。This sighting occurred during my dive to a sunken wreck off Sardinia.这是我在撒丁岛附近的沉船残骸处潜水时所见的景象。It suddenly occurred to Miranda that perhaps no one would believe her story.米兰达突然想到可能没有人会相信她说的事。Dr. Fleming's discovery of penicillin occurred in 1928.弗莱明医生发现青霉素是在一九二八年。She was only a mile from the safety of her home when the accident occurred.事故发生时,她仅差一英里就平安到家了。A brilliant idea occurred to me.我想到一个极好的主意。The damage to the victim's skull occurred postmortem.受害者头骨的损伤发生在死后。The break occurred at a weak point in the bone.断裂发生在这块骨头脆弱的地方。The collision occurred near the hospital.撞车事故发生在医院附近。The deaths occurred when police acted to stop widespread looting and vandalism.警方采取行动制止猖狂的打砸抢行为时有多人丧生。His research documents how the crisis occurred.他的研究记录了危机是如何发生的。Who was at the controls when the accident occurred?事故发生时,谁在开车?An instance of this controversy occurred last year.去年出现过类似的争议。Many cases of deformity and death occurred among the villagers.有很多导致村民致残和死亡的案例。The crash occurred when the crew shut down the wrong engine.机务人员关错了引擎,随即飞机坠毁。The crime occurred in broad daylight.这罪行发生在光天化日之下。The break-in had occurred just before midnight.这次非法闯入就发生在午夜前。Accidents sometimes occurred through carelessness in manipulation by the drivers.有时事故的发生是由于司机驾驶不慎。Many geologic changes have occurred since our earth uprose.自地球诞生以来,地质变动已发生多次。The pipeline had cracked a long time before the oil spill occurred.泄油事件发生之前,输油管早已出现裂缝。It hadn't occurred to her that he might be lying.她没有想到他可能在说谎。If mistakes occurred, they were assumed to be the fault of the commander on the spot.如果出现了错误,就会认为是现场指挥官的失误。Fake bidding and other funny business occurred during the auction.拍卖中出现了虚假出价和其他造假行为。




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