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词汇 occupied
例句 His time was occupied with the children.他的时间都用于照顾孩子了。You will be mainly occupied in checking sales records.你主要的工作是核对销售记录。Every table in the dining room was occupied.食堂里的每张桌子都有人坐了。Russia and the Western Alliance relied on air strikes to stop ISIS from marauding their occupied cities.俄国和西方联军依赖空袭来阻止伊斯兰国的军队掠夺他们所占领的城市。None of the flats is occupied - they've only just been built.所有的公寓都是空的—它们刚刚竣工。Houses occupied by the elderly need central heating.老年人居住的房子需要集中供暖。The Prime Minister was occupied with important matters of state.首相在忙于国家大事。Her parliamentary career has occupied all of her time.她整日忙于议会的工作。The country was occupied with dramatic swiftness.该国极其迅速地被占领了。He occupied a ringside seat at most of the major scenes of history during that span.对于那段时间发生的大多数重大历史事件,他从自己的有利位置出发看得一目了然。The newcomers were occupied in writing letters home.新来的人忙于给家里写信。Bookshelves occupied most of the living-room walls.起居室的大部分墙面都被书架占据着。This chair is occupied , but I believe those chairs are free/available.这把椅子有人坐了。我想那些椅子还没人坐。I had forgotten all about it because I had been so occupied with other things.因为忙于其他事情,我把这件事忘得精光。She was too busily occupied to go to the show.她太忙了,不能去看演出。I keep my teenagers gainfully occupied in summer school.我让自己十几岁的孩子在暑期班里做有报酬的工作。The people of that country are mainly occupied with agriculture.那个国家的人民主要从事农业。He ought to find plenty to keep him occupied.他应该是有很多事要做,忙得团团转。The funerary ceremonies occupied two days.丧葬仪式花了两天时间。Pressure sensors in the seats tell the system which ones aren't occupied.座位上的压力传感器告诉系统哪些座位上没有人。He took the cases and occupied himself with packing the car.他拿起那几个箱子,忙着往汽车里塞。The captain's attention was fully occupied for several long moments while he appeased his appetite.在大饱口福的时候,船长在很长时间里一门心思都在眼前的食物上。The site is presently occupied by offices.目前这块地上盖满了办公楼。Bookshelves occupied most of the living room walls.这些书架占了起居室的大部分墙面。Troops quickly occupied the city.军队很快占领了城市。The students occupied the Administration Block.学生占领了行政大楼。I was thinking of ways to keep him occupied for three or four hours.我正在想办法使他忙上三四个小时。Protesting students occupied the university office for two weeks.抗议的学生占领大学办公楼达两个星期。The best seats were occupied by the friends and families of the performers.最好的座位被演员们的朋友和家人占了。The girls were happily occupied with quiet ploys.女孩子们正高高兴兴地忙着感兴趣的事,静悄悄的。The League of Nations collapsed soon after the Italian Fascists occupied Ethiopia.意大利法西斯分子占领埃塞俄比亚之后不久,国际联盟就土崩瓦解。We must see that our spare time is profitably occupied.我们一定要有益地利用业余时间。The women talked in the living room while the men were otherwise occupied.女人们在客厅里聊天,男人们则忙着别的什么。Much of our time is occupied by answering questions from our customers.我们大部分时间都用在了回答顾客提出的问题上。They just want to return to their families in the occupied territories.他们只是想回到在占领区的家人身边。She was happily occupied with reading.她乐得手不释卷。The flame of resistance never entirely flickered out in the enemy-occupied areas.在敌占区,反抗的火焰从不曾完全被扑灭。They think the room is vacant, but as a matter of fact it is already occupied.他们认为这间屋子空着,其实已经有人住了。There is essential work to be done before the building can be re-occupied.这座楼在重新入住前必须进行必要的维修。This organization occupied a central role in the development of US economic policy.这个组织对美国经济政策的发展起着重要作用。




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